facebook journey

  1. 20kSuccessStory

    Introducing 20KSuccessStory - My Journey to Success

    Hello BHW Community, I’m Xavier, and I’m excited to introduce my new brand, 20KSuccessStory. Over the next few months, I’ll be documenting my journey to achieve a significant milestone: earning $20,000 per month. About Me :) I’ve been in the digital space for a while, and now, I’m focusing on...
  2. Cyber devil

    [Journey] Road to FB fan-pages empire

    Hi, Cyber Devil here. So the main reason of me starting this journey thread is that I think It'll give me that extra push and motivation to achieve my IM goals. The Plan The main plan is to create a lot of various micro niche fan pages based on popular US niches and then use those pages to...
  3. rudrapada

    [Previous Failure's]Facebook journey to 50$/day

    About the title, yes I failed my two previous journeys because of several reasons, the main being giving up too early. Also the goals were ridiculous for my xp. This journey: Managing Fb accounts manually and posting from them on my wall, page commenting, group posting etc. I have 22 accounts as...
  4. thagar

    [Journey] Grow FB Page to 50k+ and $1k/month

    After lurking in this forum for almost 2 years I think its about time I took some real action and actually stuck to something for once. You see, I've been trying to earn a living online since 2013 and I really haven't hit any of my goals - or even come close. I'm not here to lie or sell you...
  5. peenoykaizen

    PeenoyKaizens's Journey to 100$ a day via Facebook/Youtube

    Hi been lurking around so I decided to take action, saw BTB's Thread. Its very inspiring, So I am gonna try his method out but with cpagrip and ogads. Registered with ogads account dunno if the y will accept me. Gameplan: will dabble around with viral/interesting/engaging articles and post to...
  6. N

    Facebook Page Journey to Regular Income

    Hey guys, I have followed this board for a year and now its time for my first journey and decent posts. Actually my goal is to utilize facebook and try to make some money. Speaking of which, I will set my goal to $500USD per month as this will cover my living costs. I recently applied for...
  7. krajacic

    ClickBank Journey with WordPress (SEO,Facebook,YouTube,GooglePlus...)

    Hello! I opted for this venture because I'm interested in how and whether at all my pages thrive with the promotion and profit! Every day I write for the previous day! Some elements will show through pictures and statistics! Day 1# (yesterday...20.9.2013.) What have I done day before...