
  1. Queen Heidi

    Selfie day !!

    The selfie has been given a tremendous change in the photographic world... And now we are celebrating national selfie day (21/06/2020)... I personally to take selfies which I will smile without any reason...:p Photos are the only thing which will remain the same... those group...
  2. Queen Heidi

    Good Friday reminds us to be compassionate and giving!

    May the Darkest Nights end and the Sun rises & shines much more brighter. It’s also the day that tells us something so important: no matter what we are going through, God is with us. Have a positive hope on this Good Friday! -- Queen Heidi
  3. Queen Heidi

    Over ! Over !! Over.....

  4. El Duque

    My First serious journey. MISSION: LEARN AND EARN +20$/DAY, then scale.

    Hey blackhaters. All my first letters on the post of this thread will be in red, so you will can see without problem the steps. INTRODUCTION: Since I was 16 I had my own shop online. There, I was selling gold in games, specifically on MMORPG. Bot, multiclients, good scripts and go on, go make...
  5. D

    Growing a targeted facebook account.

    Hello, guys. I'm trying to grow a facebook account. So I filled up the information, added a profile pic and a cover photo. Now I started sending requests for Shopify groups. I plan on being active there and slowly start promoting my services. Now, I started sending friend requests to people from...
  6. gman777

    Today was a wierd day...

    I've just woke up and what I'm seeing... What's interesting is that they both followed me at the same time...hmm... Then I get a message from @Ste Fishkin saying "Do you skype" and that he likes me. My answer should've been, "no but I tinder".(I can even grow a mustache) J/K. As if it...
  7. S3CRET

    Adult Twitter + Instagram - 30$ a day.

    Hello, my name is Rene and im from Czech Republic, After reading alot of journeys, methods, articles i decied to make my own journey, im running my own blackhat methods but i wanted to try this out im very interested in cpa,, excuse my english please. I have got prepared adult twitter with 24K...
  8. saadoff

    How to make 10$ per day

    Hello guys , i need an easy method to make 10$ day without any capital . Hope you help me
  9. W

    How much can i do comment on facebook per day?

    Hello, BHW community :) I would like to ask your opinion. How much can i do comments on facebook per day?
  10. H

    Help making some money?

    Hi, I've done some lurking here but I haven't found a good method on how to make money. I don't have much money to invest and I'm looking for easy money. If there isn't really an easy way to make a little bit of money, let me know and I'll delete the thread. I'm not really interested in doing...
  11. A

    Journey in clickbank to make more than 30$ per day !

    Hello everyone i want to share with you this method to make some income , am new in clickbank and all but we have to try to earn some money .. anyway , my method is to chose a product in clickbank , and create a landing page in cpgrip , and use Massplanner in facebook twitter and google to...
  12. R

    150$ per day with Adsense. What next?

    Hi everyone, After about 8 years of trying to earn some money through IM, I have finally started earning money through adsense in the range of $100-200 per day. I have basically built a news website and have a lot of facebook followers and some groups in which I market the articles which brings...
  13. B

    How many sales does eBay require to remove 21day hold?

    How many transactions do I need to make in order for eBay to remove 21day hold?
  14. D

    Need HELP making $25-$50 a day!!

    Hi all, I am in serious need of making $25-$50 a day. My life sucks and I am trying everything and anything I can to get that amount every day. But I fail a lot. So is there anyone on here that can help me achieve this? I do not have any money to invest or use because my life is already so hard...
  15. M


    I have a youtube channel focused on iphones and other technological item. I also break them lol Here's a video of me putting an iphone 5s in the microwave xD (fire) (Angel Mane)
  16. E

    This Day Will Long Be Remembered :)

    24/11/2013 is a special day for me. This is the day my website made it's first penny with adsense ($0.01) . I made this thread to look back at when I make my next thread about the website a year from now when Hopefully my website will be making me a living. So don't mind me now.
  17. J

    Can I make 20$ a day in my first month?

    I am thinking of starting fairly slow. Can I realistically expect to be making $20 a day off of one site by the end of each month? Thank you for viewing this!
  18. L

    [Method] $20+ per day. Effortless posting.

    Well, this method will be short, I won't add some blablas and this will be straight to the point. This method is a sort of e-whoring. First, you need to search for a huge group in facebook, I suggest you to choose some groups related to Chicks or Girls [wanted]. Secondly, you are to go to...
  19. M

    16 years old guys, to 50$/day, 0 experience on IM.

    Ok hi guys how are you doing? Well first, i'm going to introduce my self, i'm kinda new on the forum as well on IM, so I DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE NEITHER MONEY! I'm 16 years old as jurnior in Argentina, please understand my horrible english, i'm sorry but it's my 3rd language =x. Well after...
  20. kerex132

    Kerex132's Journey to $5 a Day!

    Hello everyone here at BHW, I have been around here on BHW for a few months.. I have been making much money with eBay but I have left eBay behind me after some chargesback who made me to take out cash from my own pocket to pay back the charges I got from PayPal. My goal with this journey is to...