cookie struffing

  1. A

    Understanding how browser cookies work in the context of cashback websites - looking for an expert

    I've been researching how cookies work in web browsers and in the context of cashback portal sites, for a personal project. I think I have a basic but superficial understanding and wondering if anyone with developer-specific knowledge in this area can help me out? I know that both cashback...
  2. mystery

    [WTH] Urgent Need For An Elite Coder / Programmer

    Hello guys, I'm in urgent need for a very very good coder / programmer, who is good with browsers, javascript, flash, cookies and networks' affiliate platforms. This is an important project with good money. Will be sending out details and if you think you can do it, you will have a go...
  3. Abercrombie

    The largest niche forums on the internet. READ & Save Time!

    When I first started using forums to make money (there are a few ways I do), I was having trouble finding the biggest forums on the net that were in my niche or area of interest. Then I found: hxxp:// (Sorry that whole first part sound like the beginnings of an...
  4. Abercrombie

    Faking impressions and a couple of other questions...

    I need to fake impressions for some CPA offers and possibly EPN. First off, yes I do have some real traffic and real converts. The problem is that I am cookie stuffing the same programs. I blank referrers, but I am not able to get my impressions to outweigh the "clicks" that have been stuffed...
  5. Abercrombie

    Cookie Stuffers Are Douche Bags!

    No, not really. I cookie stuff some; SOME! I just got on a forum and got hung up on a post because it was stuffed with so many cookies that 2 fucking minutes later, it was still stuffing like mad! The damn thread locked up the window I was using all togather and I had to cntrl-alt-del my way...
  6. Abercrombie

    Major reporting issues with stuffed cookies. Should have more clicks. HELP!

    I stuff the cookies from a major website and I am having problems with the number of impressions vs number of clicks. The report is for the end of 08. My site gets about 800 hits per day and half are from USA. County / Imp / Clk UK 14328 12518 US 23653 4341 CA...