Will YouTube catch that I bought views later on?


Nov 14, 2019
Reaction score
Bought small amounts of views and likes at a time to just boost my video for a bit. I’m talking 500 - 1000 views. Never more. And I’d buy likes just to make it even, but I’d do increments of 5-20 likes each time so it’s not suspicious.

Recently, a few of my videos blew up and I’m getting lots of views and subscribers naturally. Im naturally gaining 100 subs and thousands of views a day. I’m so close to being able to monetize my vids. But I heard YouTube reviews your channel first.

Do you think they’ll ever catch that I bought 500-1000 views on each video while they review my channel? Or do you only get caught if you’re dealing with huge numbers...

(I’m also worried that during the new terms of service, they’ll delete a bunch of accounts, and my likes will drop. Thoughts?)
I think if they log views linked to user agent or IPs, probably. Not sure if they have that algorithm of having a YT channel score, probably you will increment it later. Who knows, only time.
I don't think YouTube cares what you do with your videos as long as your account isn't monetized. They get strict with their algorithms mainly when your account is monetized. Or i could be wrong. But whichever it is, Google and other sites like Instagram etc gets smarter everyday and detects foul play much more easily than they used to years ago. So better be on the safe side.

Try buying views and likes on a dummy account first and see if they ban you so that it doesn't hurt.
I think if they log views linked to user agent or IPs, probably. Not sure if they have that algorithm of having a YT channel score, probably you will increment it later. Who knows, only time.

I always make sure to get the “real non-drop” views from Smm panels. I’m assuming those aren’t bots, or if they are, they use proxies and stuff so it’s not from the same ip. YouTube hasn’t dropped any of my views so far so I think I’m good.

I read up online and it said real humans at YouTube check will the activity of my account. On my analytics, it’ll show I got 500-1000 views out of nowhere from an external source (reddit). You think that’ll be a red flag for YouTube?
If they don't yet it is a matter of time. In the end is their job to keep some control on the ''ilegal'' actions within their platform.
its very easy to catch views ,but they will do at bad time when u start earning
If they don't yet it is a matter of time. In the end is their job to keep some control on the ''ilegal'' actions within their platform.

Yea I had a feeling. That’s why now that my videos are already ranked, and I’m getting views and subs organically, I’m gonna stop. Just to be safe
Never buy views.. There are so many legit ways to get views... Try YouTube ads.