Why stay away from WordPress

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Senior Member
Jul 31, 2012
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No need to read the title twice. You correctly read it. I'm going to talk about WordPress Blogging Tool and why to stay away from it if you are niche builder, Internet marketer, and the best tips I can provide on when and how to use WP.

You must be thinking what's with this clown? Who he think he is? While I'm not going to give you a background check or a DNA test to prove who I'm all I will say is 14 years of experience working in the online world. I'm not claiming to be a guru, or expert, to the contrary humbly I accept that I learn something new everyday. But you don't want to read about that boring part, let's get down to business.

WordPress, ah the friendly blogging tool that has cultivated millions of users with the famous 5 minute install. Yes, this what actually made WP the choice. Any nooblet could have a running blog within 5 minutes without the requirement of creating or editing PHP config files.

You see, now days CMS have installation files that mimic this easy to use install but back in the day you actually need it to edit a configuration file witch contain the database information, your server path, your website path, and all that mumbo jumbo. So new IM'ers you are welcome, we suffer so you can have it easy now.

WP gain popularity because of this flaw on many of the famous CMS's like Joomla!, Mambo and others. Still WP installation is one of the shortest in the market. You can have a blog installed 3 or 4 clicks away while others still agile but require 5 to 6 clicks it all depends on the CMS functions.


Need a new functionality in your blog? There is a plugin for that. Need to add caching to your blog? There is a plugin for that. There is a plugin for almost anything you can imagine, and WP allows you to add them with a simple few clicks. Like those other CMS that you have to download files and upload and go trough hoops, and ask for passport and sign a blood pact to get it running. Again once more WP teach all this CMS's how it's done.

I'm not going to write about themes, you know is the story as plugins. Hundreds available in the market for free and paid. So I will save a few lines on that.

I cannot denied WP is brilliant, easy, friendly, and there is a plugin for almost everything you can imagine. Almost anything. Is so amazing that millions began to use and still today is the most used blogging platform. hence it empowers a great chunk of website on the net.

Now this amazingness and easyness attracted many spammers, niche developers, domainers, and even CEO's that know nothing about website development. Free and powerful, what else you can ask for?

Google had to start tracking what was coming in as blogs with EMD's and so many other things. That's one of the reasons behind this zoo of updates. Yes, there is other intentions behind it, but this are the ones that "SEO Gurus" don't talk about. The zoo updates are big algorithm changes that detect new things. WP is one of those things. Google has so much information, footprints on WP that you can register a domain today and create the site on a new server with WP and your home page will be cache within days without the need to point one single link to it. By just selecting (witch is selected by default) let search engines find my site setting.

Go ahead try it, you will be amazed by the results. WP is so over used is not even funny any longer. Google one of the first thing that would crawl is your plugins page. Google even knows all the headers, and output. Once you install AIOS (All-in-One-SEO) the comment <!-- using AIOS --> will be added and bang! Sandbox you go.

Sandbox is not any longer because of domain age, it about content. You know content is king. Google can read content. Actually Google can read the context of your content. Google will give you ranks on low cheap keywords, but you won't be playing on the money keywords for a while.

So in order to succeed, you need tom stay away from WP. Is not your friend any more, actually Google wants you to use WP. You making it easy for them.

Now, there is a way where you can use WP and avoid been flagged by Google. yeah, flagged sounds harsh but you can use any term you want there. To avoid been <<use your own word here>> by Google you need to cover a few tracks and even then is not guaranteed that you are not going to be <<use your own word here>>.

This to do:
A) Avoid free or heavily used themes. Creating your own theme is the best option here, while time consuming it gives you a unique structure. Look at great blogs, their theme is unique.
B) Avoid using plugins that add comments on the code. While this one would be hard for freebies, try to pouch some money and buy uncommented plugins. Again you are aiming for uniqueness.
C) Make your tags, archives, users, and other pages noindex, nocache.
D) Make good usage of .htaccess, make your admin area be restricted by .htaccess while this will be an extra security for your site crawlers will ignore this section. Again uniqueness.
E) Use robot.txt to extend where you don't want the crawler to go.
F) Use 404 server pages rather than WP 404 Plugin pages. Make sure they are returning a 404 status in the header.
G) Rename your upload folders. Use something differently than uploads.
H) Build quality HTML and XML sitemaps. Don't forget to set a tiers on the HTML version to ensure success.

Remember you can use WP but aim for uniqueness, a few extra steps will ensure success.

Even for little niche sites create a theme and recreate that theme with different CSS frameworks, or code structure. This would be your tools use them wisely.
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Nice writeup! Actually in the beginning of the post I expected you to kill it completely by the end, but somehow you made it look more useful after that! ;)
Sorry, I started to read it, since I'm running hundreds of wordpress installs, but the lack of real jargon made me feel like your post was newb friendly.

Then you started talking about how Google wants us to use Wordpress so they can ban us.
Sorry, I started to read it, since I'm running hundreds of wordpress installs, but the lack of real jargon made me feel like your post was newb friendly.

Then you started talking about how Google wants us to use Wordpress so they can ban us.

Uff! Ban is to the extreme and how you come to the conclusion of ban? My point for Google want you to use WP is you make it easy for the crawler to understand what you are publishing, in terms that the crawler do need to spend extra processes with your site.
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Hi evilclown,

Well.. I can see the point you're trying to make, but I will disagree with you on a few things.

HTML comments are exactly what they seem - just comments. Search Engine crawlers don't crawl comments, they skip over commented code. One of the primary points you made twice was that Google will sandbox you because of a few comments made in the source of your page.

On the contrary, I do agree with your point about adding in extra WP security (.htaccess mods) as well as renaming Wordpress content directories (Psst, there's a plugin for that ;)). Renaming folders such as wp-admin, wp-content, etc. is crucial towards Wordpress security in general.

If you're saying Google hates Wordpress, I'm sorry, I'll have to disagree.

Best Regards,
- Metra
Hi evilclown,

Well.. I can see the point you're trying to make, but I will disagree with you on a few things.

HTML comments are exactly what they seem - just comments. Search Engine crawlers don't crawl comments, they skip over commented code. One of the primary points you made twice was that Google will sandbox you because of a few comments made in the source of your page.

On the contrary, I do agree with your point about adding in extra WP security (.htaccess mods) as well as renaming Wordpress content directories (Psst, there's a plugin for that ;)). Renaming folders such as wp-admin, wp-content, etc. is crucial towards Wordpress security in general.

If you're saying Google hates Wordpress, I'm sorry, I'll have to disagree.

Best Regards,
- Metra

no google does not hate wp, google can understand wp too well. While comments are ignored, and they don't carry any weight. But plugins comments identify the site as a wp. That's the whole purpose of the post. How to not show you are running WP. Make google work.
Is making it easy for google to crawl not a good thing? I should certainly think so.
Renaming files, well yeah most people should know that.
There is a lot of talk about not investing too much into WordPress but I'm not seeing recommendations as to the alternatives.
You didnt provide a single true statement on your post, which is the source of your information?. Did you know 15% of all the website are built with WP?, do you really think google will ban all those website?. I bet 80% of the ppl that are making money here use WP+AIOSEO Plugin.
He is not saying google will ban all wp sites. He is saying it is easy for google to distinguish if you are running a strictly niche blog or a authority blog. To stop any flags not ban or sandboxing but flags on your blog then you should use some security when developing your wp site. It is great people use AIOSEO but evilclown is saying the weight put on by google to these resources you are using has decreased. They are not as effective as they used to be.

If you want to rank using wp then modify your wp installation, use .htaccess and robot.txt to your advantage on what pages you want google bot to go rather then indexing your whole blog with known error pages and everything.

Correct me if I am wrong Evilclown
will word press sure it's the choose i've done tones of websites with wordpress and all in good ranking but you have to know how to do it :D
There is absolutely 0 empirical evidence in this entire post. All in One SEO plug-in will get your site Sandboxed ?!? People (myself included) rank shit all day and night with WordPress as the CMS. Yes, even free unmodified themes! If you've had sites penalized or sadboxed, trust me it's because of sloppy SEO, not because you're running WordPress or some set of popular plug-ins. No your site doesn't get flagged for running Wordpress or certain plug-ins, no google is not some evil empire using WordPress code to target marketers. There are literally 100,000's of businesses and personal blogs running WordPress and doing just fine in the rankings. Sorry man, I hate to be a hater, but this is border line conspiracy theory gibberish.
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