Why Do I See My Site First on Google, but Nobody Else Does?


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
There are two keyword phrases I've been looking to get near the first page of google for. They each get around 300k searches a month. One phrase I've been 9th or 10th on the first page for awhile now. We'll call that phrase "phrase 1".

The second phrase is one that I've been on the third page for awhile now. We'll call that "phrase two".

(neither of the two phrases is tied to a geographical location)

Late last night, I googled "phrase two", and to my surprise, it was first! I couldn't believe it, so I hit search again...and it was gone...back to the third page right where it was before. I hit search 10 more times and it appeared first two of those times. I decided to check phrase 1. That was still right where it has been, last on the first page.

So I wake up today (and I've been doing this all day long) and check "phrase two". Low and behold, first on the first page! I clicked "search" repeatedly and this time, all but once it was first on the first page.

Halfway through today, "Phrase 1" jumped from the last spot to the first spot, and it too has been there all day.

Here's the thing that is confusing the hell out of me. I had 3 different people in 3 different geographical locations google the two phrases. None of them saw my site as the first result.

I then went to a "rank position checker" online that checks multiple datacenters. Of the 12 datacenters it checked, my site was 22nd for 5 of them and then it said "not in the top 100" for the other 7 datacenters.

Can ANYBODY explain to me why I'm the only one seeing my site as first on Google?gl
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I cant tell you why, but It still happen to me with 1 keyphrase/domain.
Im in #1 position, but if I logout from my google/gmail account, the rank go to position #17

I think its related to google account and the googleanalytics i have on that site.
If you have a webmaster tool account and you are signed into google, you will get different results. Make sure you are not signed into google when looking at SERPS
Well your title tells the clear story, As you are keep on opening your website in the same IP, Google gives preference to your website, Google thinks that this website you want, that's why it gives your website in the front. . If you want to see the exact position of your website, Just go to
and use google.com or google.uk whatever and try. .

Hope you got my point. .

google keeps your preferences and you probably clicked that link the most so google puts it high
use a keyword tool :)
I think google is tired of you trying to be on the fist page
that they recorded your IP then give you your site to be on the first page only for you.

lol, that be funny
Could be the Google Dance, but sounds like a google account link jump to me.
This actually happens a lot more than you think. Do a search for Pizza, and you'll get local pizza places, etc.

Is it possible that your keyword is one of those that Google is picking up as local?

Also, the other responses have credence as well, Google is probably remembering your preferences, and putting your link first for you, and others have different search history, so they are showing lower.

That personalization tool makes it a lot harder for people to get on the front page reliably recently.
Note... I demonstrated that personalization of results on a live conference call I was doing with a bunch of carpet cleaners.

40 of them from various parts of the county, and all had different top 5 results.

Google is getting really personal lately. Some would say that's a good thing, others will say they know too much.
you may have bookmarked it on google, the little star right beside the header in the google search?
If you are trying to master SEO and do not know about Google's personalized search, you better stop spending so much time on this board and get back to the basics....

To get a better idea about my rankings I always check with a multiple datacenter search site... google it, it'll help a lot. You could also use a proxy site to double check but I find that sites with multiple datacenter check get me pretty accurate results.
20% of google results are personelized u may have clicked on your link alot
20% of google results are personelized u may have clicked on your link alot

^ THIS! is also right on the money... I've noticed a few lines saying "your searches have been personalized" or some shit like that, luckily there is an option to turn it off.
google track your preferences. So if you keep visiting/searching your own website then google will think it is helpful to you so it will display it higher just for you
ha ha, its funny and happened to me lol. I thought I made it, when i saw my site at first place in google for the competitive keyword. After 2 days, i saw my site in 3rd page again.:(.
There are these things called cookies and google uses them.
Like every one has said, if you are signed in to google make sure to turn of personalised search results, and even if you are not signed it you still need to turn it off. If not logged into google, click Web history top right, then click 'Disable customisations based on search activity' if thats what you see. If signed into google you have to go a bit deeper to turn it off, my memory wains, google it.:p
I had the exact same thing the other day betwwen my laptop and desktop.

YES! I have made it to P.1 No.1 I thought.....only to realise that I was not quite there yet!
Try signing out of you google account and clearing your cache!