Why didn't Google penalize BHW?

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If google start to shut down all such big user friendly websites, they will lose their essence of being the best search engine. More over everything on this website is real and BHW is in fact helping google in many ways by helping many beginner webmasters to become professional webmasters which is essential for the good of google.
google is sometime denoted as G- god, and you know why is it so?
because google in unbaised , aslo banning BHW will proove that tricks on this site work !
Backlinks are the easiest way to rank a website. I doubt that Google wants webmasters to create quality backlinks, but they know what will happen if they give it as a statement in public. So, they keep it as a secret and utilizes the black hat methods to rank websites easily. I talk about genuine websites only and Google knows how to block spammy websites.
Why would they, they get so much information from BHW. Its their undercover source for all stuff SEO.
Because it’s ran by experts within the SEO field. Google isn’t going to punish a platform of this size since it has thousands millions of new content published on a yearly basis. Just because some of the content discuses the SEO algorithm doesn’t mean it will be removed nor deindexed, the team on BHW are fantastic at indexing and optimising the forum.
There is no reason for Google to penalized BHW, this is a website that ranks a bunch of keywords, since BHW content has proper on-page and off-page SEO, then of course Google will rank it on search. Many websites discussing SEO but there is no correlation why Google needs to penalize website that writes about SEO content. As long as the website don't violate Google TOS, it should be safe
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