What's your motivation? :)


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2010
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I'm dribbling with excitment already! :p


She a thing of beauty isn't she? Well that's what I'm aiming for ... and I'm not going to stop until I have it either ... and I can assure you it isn't a 12 year old class room day dream either ! :p

What about you? What are you aiming for? ! :)
Pretty ride... I doubt it would work for me as I am a tad older than the medium age here... long term annuity revenue is my vision.
A Ferrari 458 huh? You need to check out that website that shows wrecked exotics, all you ever see with these things is fire. They always catch on fire! lol

But it is an awesome car. If i ever become a super IMer i would might buy a 2004 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale, 2005 Ford GT, or a 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggerra. :p

All are awesome cars.

And then i would proceed to ask every hot girl in my town out on a date, make sweet love to them, and then never call them back. Because with cars like that... You dont need a women.
this is what i work for. i don't care about the price. its the car, always have been a fan of the skylines
To not have to worry have paying bills and just live life how I should be living life. Fuck this typical go to school and get a job bullshit (even though I'm in school right now). I don't think we should have to conform to this "just getting by" bs. I want to travel and live life man. I want to throw sick parties in random ware houses that I own. I want the car of my dreams. I think it's stupid that when your young everyone tells you that you can be or do anything you want, but then when you grow up people tell you to come back t reality when you have a dream. I say fuck dreams I have goals and these goals will become my life soon enough.

Play hard, work harder, pwn noobs...

/rant off :)
buy a house for my parents ( parents dreams ) and travel around the world ( my dream )