Turn your old android into 4g proxy


Regular Member
May 14, 2018
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I have new clients to run his accounts into jarvee, and i want to do it form the safest and better way. I know to be very safe liking, following/unfollowing is to use 4g proxys, but they are very expensive.

So did u ever try to turn your old android device into a 4g server? and if you did, did u try to use it with jarvee or some similar bot?

thanks you guys!
I was just exploring this topic, came here and saw your thread :)

For now, I have found this:

It looks promising.
Still, I would like to read other people experiences with this.

Hopefully I will have some time over the weekend to test this. I want to know how many IG accounts I can run per one proxy/phone.
i tried, socks maybe kinda easy, but h t t p i couldn't do it protected. I'm not sure how light those programs are
androix is a unix based system. Theoretically if you root it you should be able to install a squid proxy on it like I do on my raspberry pi's
I'd like to find out more about this as well, would like to use at least 1 of my old Androids. :)
androix is a unix based system. Theoretically if you root it you should be able to install a squid proxy on it like I do on my raspberry pi's

Are you saying you've created your own proxy network? If so, are you using lte?