SMM Panel SEO/Marketing


Junior Member
Jun 2, 2018
Reaction score
Hi guys!

I'm SMM Panel owner and i want to improve my SEO/Marketing, I'm not SEO confident so i will need help doing it. I planned to buy Jr.Vip asap and open sales thread, i want also to promote my panel ouside the BHW forum so i will need some advice and suggestions for this purpose.

Thanks for your time!
What services do you offer?
I am also not cobfident with seo, buy unlike me you have a bussines so i would suggest to hire someone. And yeah, jr vip asap. I would also be interested in buying sth after you open a sales thread.
Oh yeah i red about your journey a couple of weeks ago.
Dm businesses on IG — I’ve read members had success that way.

Realistically though, does your service actually work? So many SMM panels that are having issues its hard to believe youre not going to have problems fulfilling orders. Not a shot at you so don’t take it personally — its just fairly obvious SMM services are crap right now.

if your service WORKS honestly you shouldnt have a problem finding clients. Offer them a free balance to test it out, if its working theyll buy more
Offer a free amount of the most popular service you offer to facebook groups without any need to enter information ( perhaps only email )

If you do a good job of delivering, I'm sure people will start using your service for $$$
Dm businesses on IG — I’ve read members had success that way.

Realistically though, does your service actually work? So many SMM panels that are having issues its hard to believe youre not going to have problems fulfilling orders. Not a shot at you so don’t take it personally — its just fairly obvious SMM services are crap right now.

if your service WORKS honestly you shouldnt have a problem finding clients. Offer them a free balance to test it out, if its working theyll buy more
I have few very trusted services in my panel and i daily check if working or not. As i told before i provide IG likes so i can check within a minute if my services are working or not. I'm very strict to accept different services on my panel if not from very trusted providers. I will offer free test balance as soon as i reach Jr. Vip membership, but i'm asking for SEO/marketing advices not involving Jr. Vip.
Offer a free amount of the most popular service you offer to facebook groups without any need to enter information ( perhaps only email )

If you do a good job of delivering, I'm sure people will start using your service for $$$
Good idea! Maybe i could do a giveaway or something similar