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SCAMMED BY portableappz

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Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
So, yesterday I post a thread mentioning I need AWS AMAZON ACCOUNTS, @portableappz contact me through pm and he give me the skype...

I send the payment and he don't send me the account...

Here the images...







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[7:09:05 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Hello........
[7:14:13 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Man I need the account for work....
[7:14:45 a. m.] Melvin Checo: If I can't get the account I can't work... If I can work I can't pay you....
[7:31:08 a. m.] Melvin Checo: ????????????????????????????????????
[7:38:47 a. m.] Melvin Checo: ?????????????????
[7:38:49 a. m.] Melvin Checo: ??????????????
[7:38:50 a. m.] Melvin Checo: ??????????????????\
[7:48:36 a. m.] Melvin Checo: If you can't send me the account, send me the money back....
[7:48:58 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I waiting a lot here
[7:50:10 a. m.] Melvin Checo: thought u was a good person
[8:36:04 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I don't want reported you...
[8:44:33 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I'm going reporte you
He's responding to me with this....

[8:48:23 a. m.] Portable Appz: sorry, but it will take until tomorrow
[8:58:49 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Why?
[8:58:55 a. m.] Melvin Checo: If I pay you yestarday
[8:58:59 a. m.] Melvin Checo: And you tell me
[8:59:07 a. m.] Melvin Checo: You will send me the account...
[8:59:23 a. m.] Melvin Checo: i am at work at the moment but i can send you login details if you are going to purchase the account
[9:04:50 a. m.] Portable Appz: sorry there was a problem
[9:05:04 a. m.] Portable Appz: but today i can send you the details for sure at the same time
[9:05:22 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Ok... here is a at day
[9:05:25 a. m.] Melvin Checo: You at night...
[9:05:38 a. m.] Portable Appz: yes
[9:05:42 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Soo... you are talking about your hour or my hour
[9:06:00 a. m.] Portable Appz: my hour
[9:06:08 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Ok according your hour
[9:06:14 a. m.] Melvin Checo: When you gonna send me the details ?
[9:06:32 a. m.] Portable Appz: the same time you send the payment
[9:06:57 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Ok
[9:06:59 a. m.] Melvin Checo: So
[9:07:08 a. m.] Melvin Checo: 11:53 am ( your hour )
[9:07:13 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Tomorrow
[9:07:14 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Right?
[9:07:17 a. m.] Portable Appz: yes
[9:07:30 a. m.] Melvin Checo: OK I will waiting
[9:07:42 a. m.] Melvin Checo: If you give me the acoount
[9:07:52 a. m.] Melvin Checo: And I see that everything is ok
[9:07:58 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Get ready more accounts ...
[9:08:12 a. m.] Melvin Checo: But now I don't have more money cuz I need the accounts for work...
[9:08:54 a. m.] Portable Appz: okay no problem, but you said you were able to send the rest of the payment tomorrow correct?
[9:09:15 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Yes... but for make the payment I need work 24 hours with the account...
[9:09:28 a. m.] Portable Appz: oh..
[9:09:34 a. m.] Melvin Checo: If you was send the account yesterday
[9:09:38 a. m.] Portable Appz: well then, how much you have again?
[9:10:00 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I make 45 at day with one account...
[9:10:07 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Sooo
[9:10:36 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I can send you the rest of the payment in 24 hours starting when you
[9:10:40 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Send me the account...
[9:10:44 a. m.] Portable Appz: cool, what is your method?
[9:10:53 a. m.] Melvin Checo: CPA...
[9:11:02 a. m.] Portable Appz: (y)
[9:11:27 a. m.] Melvin Checo: So, I will waiting here
[9:11:36 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I'm going stay wake
[9:11:41 a. m.] Melvin Checo: until this night for that
[9:12:01 a. m.] Portable Appz: okay sure
[9:12:03 a. m.] Portable Appz: thanks!
[9:12:13 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I'm trusting you
[9:12:19 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Thanks to you
[9:12:26 a. m.] Portable Appz: you have 2usd left on your btc?
[9:12:41 a. m.] Melvin Checo: yes...
[9:12:43 a. m.] Melvin Checo: why?
[9:12:49 a. m.] Portable Appz: send it over.
[9:13:03 a. m.] Melvin Checo: my friend... I don't gonna send the 2 dollars....
[9:13:08 a. m.] Portable Appz: ?
[9:13:11 a. m.] Melvin Checo: you are late with the account
[9:13:17 a. m.] Melvin Checo: And you say
[9:13:24 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Send the 2 dollars...
[9:13:29 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Btw
[9:13:33 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I need that 2 dollars...
[9:13:55 a. m.] Portable Appz: for?
[9:14:05 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Create a email
[9:14:07 a. m.] Melvin Checo: For work
[9:14:16 a. m.] Melvin Checo: and a number
[9:14:16 a. m.] Portable Appz: what kind of email?
[9:14:36 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I can't say that information...
[9:14:37 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Sir
[9:14:41 a. m.] Melvin Checo: No offense but...
[9:14:47 a. m.] Portable Appz: i see
[9:14:47 a. m.] Melvin Checo: We make a deal...
[9:14:51 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I'm wating here
[9:14:55 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Doing nothing...
[9:15:15 a. m.] Melvin Checo: You say to me that you was able to send me the login details
[9:15:20 a. m.] Melvin Checo: And now nothing...
[9:15:23 a. m.] Melvin Checo: COme on!
[9:15:26 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I have kids!
[9:15:58 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I'm trying work and be nice with you
[9:16:52 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Soo now... I need wait 12 hours more...
[9:17:02 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Jesus Christ !
[9:17:10 a. m.] Portable Appz: no worries
[9:17:35 a. m.] Melvin Checo: How you
[9:17:48 a. m.] Melvin Checo: Make the people trust you if you don't
[9:17:58 a. m.] Melvin Checo: make the things you say..?
[9:18:07 a. m.] Portable Appz: be patient
[9:18:26 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I will give you 12 hours sir...
[9:18:30 a. m.] Melvin Checo: I need work
[9:18:34 a. m.] Melvin Checo: And lost a lot of money
[9:18:36 a. m.] Portable Appz: ok
Shitlist Request Approved

@portableappz has been notified he has 48 hours to respond to this post.

PS. Reminder to all who have current issues, keep it PROFESSIONAL. No name calling or other insults.

Reminder to everyone else:

Shit list rule #4:
If you are not directly related to the situation, or are not offering information directly related to the situation: do not post in the thread.
yea he just scammed me too... i just open my own thread about him too...

Mod Edit - Added this from @iluvvegas as he posted as well in another SL thread he started.

SCAMMED BY @portableappz also

he claim he was going to make me a twitter bot and i paid upfront $60 and he couldnt even team view me final product. he wanted the other half, i will reverse the charge on PP.

than he creates another fake skype account: uniquewebdesigns_1 aka Danielle Auldrey

and tries to sell sell me same bot...!!! really funny...

[10/12/16, 8:57:09 PM] Portable Appz: yes already saw it., so when do you want to start?
[10/12/16, 8:57:26 PM] Jesse D: oh ok i send half the payment now
[10/12/16, 8:57:41 PM] Portable Appz: okay personal payment right, [email protected]
[10/12/16, 8:57:44 PM] Jesse D: its just the 1st part of the specfications
[10/12/16, 9:01:49 PM] Portable Appz: okay no worries
[10/12/16, 9:02:43 PM] Portable Appz: let me know when payment is made
[10/12/16, 9:03:05 PM] Jesse D: ok payment should be coming
[10/12/16, 9:03:13 PM] Jesse D: i let u know as soon as it done
[10/12/16, 9:03:17 PM] Jesse D: u have a name?
[10/12/16, 9:03:29 PM] Portable Appz: okay let me know so i can check, yes i do. James
[10/12/16, 9:03:39 PM] Jesse D: oh ok cool.. james
[10/12/16, 9:03:55 PM] Portable Appz: nice to meet you Jesse
[10/12/16, 9:04:13 PM] Portable Appz: we are like team rockets blast off at the speed of light, surrender now or prefer to fight. LOL
[10/12/16, 9:04:14 PM] Jesse D: yea its a pleasure.. i look for a good working relationship w/u guys
[10/12/16, 9:04:40 PM] Portable Appz: thanks same here
[10/12/16, 9:04:46 PM] Portable Appz: one sec, brb need to pee
[10/12/16, 9:10:05 PM] Portable Appz: back now
[10/12/16, 9:10:25 PM] Jesse D: yea payment sent
[10/12/16, 9:14:01 PM] Portable Appz: Aight, payment received
[10/12/16, 9:23:15 PM] Portable Appz: okay i will start on the project, by the way about the tinder
[10/12/16, 9:24:14 PM] Jesse D: yup
[10/12/16, 9:24:16 PM] Jesse D: yea
[10/12/16, 9:26:09 PM] Portable Appz: tell me the details
[10/12/16, 10:40:10 PM] Jesse D: im working on it now
[10/12/16, 10:49:11 PM] Portable Appz: great
[10/13/16, 1:00:21 AM] Portable Appz: hey still here
[10/13/16, 1:35:01 AM] Jesse D: yea
[10/13/16, 1:35:24 AM] Portable Appz: done working on tinder?
[10/13/16, 6:27:56 PM] Portable Appz: hi
[10/13/16, 7:05:27 PM] Jesse D: Hi
[10/13/16, 7:52:21 PM] Jesse D: how is the progress
[10/13/16, 8:10:41 PM] Portable Appz: going smoothly, i will message you later bud
[10/13/16, 8:35:52 PM] Jesse D: Ok
[10/16/16, 6:51:22 PM] Portable Appz: hi Jesse
[10/16/16, 6:57:18 PM] Portable Appz: hey
[10/16/16, 6:57:35 PM] Jesse D: hi
[10/16/16, 6:57:52 PM] Jesse D: hows its going?
[10/16/16, 6:57:57 PM] Portable Appz: Sup? its all good now
[10/16/16, 6:58:07 PM] Jesse D: cool
[10/16/16, 6:58:09 PM] Portable Appz: are you able to make final payment before i send you the finish bot
[10/16/16, 6:58:15 PM] Jesse D: whats popping
[10/16/16, 6:58:27 PM] Jesse D: is it all complete
[10/16/16, 6:58:33 PM] Portable Appz: yes
[10/16/16, 6:58:51 PM] Jesse D: ya well can i team view it
[10/16/16, 6:58:59 PM] Jesse D: and see it in progress
[10/16/16, 6:59:27 PM] Portable Appz: at the moment i am at work, but i can send you the files and guide you on how to use it.
[10/16/16, 6:59:40 PM] Jesse D: did u guys put the follow and unfollow in it
[10/16/16, 6:59:48 PM] Portable Appz: yes
[10/16/16, 7:00:11 PM] Jesse D: and like for certain hashes
[10/16/16, 7:00:23 PM] Jesse D: and the google alerts
[10/16/16, 7:00:25 PM] Portable Appz: yes as we agreed
[10/16/16, 7:00:32 PM] Jesse D: oh ok
[10/16/16, 7:00:34 PM] Jesse D: cool
[10/16/16, 7:00:40 PM] Portable Appz: let me know if you can send the final payment so i can send you the files instantly
[10/16/16, 7:01:01 PM] Jesse D: man i cant see team view of it in progress b4 i send over payment
[10/16/16, 7:01:24 PM] Jesse D: or some screen shots or something man
[10/16/16, 7:01:43 PM] Jesse D: what the gui looks like
[10/16/16, 7:02:11 PM] Jesse D: did u put a RT feature in it tooo
[10/16/16, 7:02:26 PM] Jesse D: u didnt come back w/any questions
[10/16/16, 7:02:34 PM] Jesse D: i guess u guys are pro at these things
[10/16/16, 7:03:39 PM] Portable Appz: yes we are pro so no further questions ask, i am not able to do screenshots or team view as i am in the office computer. i can guide you once i sent the files. no worries GUI is easy to use interface.
[10/16/16, 7:05:53 PM] Portable Appz: ?
[10/16/16, 7:06:31 PM] Jesse D: man, when u get off than
[10/16/16, 7:06:54 PM] Jesse D: i dun wanna disturn ur work than
[10/16/16, 7:07:11 PM] Portable Appz: it will take a while though as i am having a hectic schedule that is why i spare sometime for this.
[10/16/16, 7:07:15 PM] Jesse D: i like to see by team view the finish product
[10/16/16, 7:07:34 PM] Jesse D: u cant squeeze in some spare time
[10/16/16, 7:08:25 PM] Jesse D: it our 1st job together i just like to see something man
[10/16/16, 7:08:33 PM] Jesse D: i hope u understand
[10/16/16, 7:08:50 PM] Jesse D: if u busy i can wait
[10/16/16, 7:09:22 PM] Portable Appz: i do understand, i can send you the files. guide you and show you how it works. i will be busy in the next two hours
[10/16/16, 7:09:24 PM] Jesse D: ur crew cant show me
[10/16/16, 7:10:23 PM] Jesse D: nahhh man well lets hold off till tomorrow than. im on the road too and my account wont have the funds till tomorrow or tonight at midnite anyways
[10/16/16, 7:10:28 PM] Portable Appz: This message has been removed.
[10/16/16, 7:10:33 PM] Jesse D: yea
[10/16/16, 7:10:38 PM] Jesse D: its all good man
[10/16/16, 7:10:44 PM] Jesse D: cool…
[10/16/16, 7:10:51 PM] Portable Appz: okay we can do this tomorrow if you want
[10/16/16, 7:10:55 PM] Portable Appz: (y)
[10/17/16, 10:14:13 AM] Jesse D: hi
[10/17/16, 10:17:38 AM] Jesse D: can u demo the app so i can send payment
[10/17/16, 10:17:49 AM] Jesse D: i meant demo the finish product
[10/17/16, 10:17:54 AM] Jesse D: team viewer
[10/17/16, 7:23:11 PM] Jesse D: hi
[10/17/16, 9:14:49 PM] Portable Appz: Hi Jesse
[10/17/16, 9:15:36 PM] Portable Appz: are you around?
[10/17/16, 9:15:41 PM] Jesse D: yea
[10/17/16, 9:15:45 PM] Jesse D: hi
[10/17/16, 9:16:23 PM] Portable Appz: okay i am able to demo the app and guide you once final payment is made
[10/17/16, 9:16:42 PM] Jesse D: u cant show at least screen shots
[10/17/16, 9:16:48 PM] Jesse D: or team view
[10/17/16, 9:17:03 PM] Portable Appz: (nerd)
[10/17/16, 9:17:10 PM] Jesse D: come on man… its our 1st deal and i wanna see something
[10/17/16, 9:17:18 PM] Jesse D: whats the problem
[10/17/16, 9:17:32 PM] Jesse D: b4 i fork over the rest of the dough man
[10/17/16, 9:17:42 PM] Jesse D: u busy now
[10/17/16, 9:17:42 PM] Portable Appz: no worries, i am a man of my word. i can send you the files and can demo when final payment is made. i am very sorry
[10/17/16, 9:17:56 PM] Jesse D: ahhh man
[10/17/16, 9:17:58 PM] Jesse D really
[10/17/16, 9:18:49 PM] Jesse D: u cant team view the final product
[10/17/16, 9:19:28 PM] Portable Appz: are you able to make the final payment now?
[10/17/16, 9:19:33 PM] Jesse D: man, its cool than
[10/17/16, 9:20:02 PM] Jesse D: if u cant team view the working product i cant send payment
[10/17/16, 9:20:05 PM] Jesse D: come on man
[10/17/16, 9:20:10 PM] Jesse D: that doesnt make sense
[10/17/16, 9:20:53 PM] Portable Appz: its cool, i have a hectic schedule as i have told you yesterday, you said you are going to make payment today so i come online to send the files and guide you once final payment is made
[10/17/16, 9:21:12 PM] Jesse D: man its cool than…
[10/17/16, 9:21:23 PM] Jesse D: i cant send final payment unless i see something
[10/17/16, 9:21:40 PM] Jesse D: if not than no deal man
[10/17/16, 9:22:23 PM] Jesse D: man, come on, u that busy
[10/17/16, 9:22:34 PM] Jesse D: i held up my end of the deal
[10/17/16, 9:22:38 PM] Jesse D: half payment
[10/17/16, 9:22:52 PM] Portable Appz: i can send screenshot if needed
[10/17/16, 9:22:53 PM] Jesse D: i got to see some working action b4 i see final product
[10/17/16, 9:23:21 PM] Jesse D: dude why not team viewer
[10/17/16, 9:23:36 PM] Jesse D: dude i have more bots that needed to be made
[10/17/16, 9:24:03 PM] Jesse D: just take 1 min man
[10/17/16, 9:24:43 PM] Portable Appz: sorry but i cant go on teamview, i hope you understand.
[10/17/16, 9:24:50 PM] Jesse D: what
[10/17/16, 9:24:51 PM] Jesse D: why
[10/17/16, 9:25:00 PM] Portable Appz: i am looking forward to make more bots for you. but if you don't trust me then :(
[10/17/16, 9:25:37 PM] Jesse D: yea man its our 1st transaction
[10/17/16, 9:25:41 PM] Jesse D: dude why
[10/17/16, 9:25:44 PM] Jesse D: come on
[10/17/16, 9:26:01 PM] Jesse D: if its that hard i dont want no more repeat business from u than
[10/17/16, 9:26:14 PM] Jesse D: i had highly reccommend u to alot of ppl
[10/17/16, 9:26:31 PM] Jesse D: why cant team view
[10/17/16, 9:26:52 PM] Jesse D: u cant take 1 min of ur time and demo the app
[10/17/16, 9:27:02 PM] Jesse D: am i that back of bus client for u
[10/17/16, 9:27:22 PM] Jesse D: its not asking much
[10/17/16, 9:27:34 PM] Portable Appz: this is our first transaction. but trust me bot is made and working perfectly. i just can't go on team view. please understand i am at work and will had meeting very soon. if you trust i can send you the file and guide you on how it works.
[10/17/16, 9:27:56 PM] Jesse D: ahhh man i cant do that
[10/17/16, 9:28:09 PM] Jesse D: well it was good but its cool man .
[10/17/16, 9:28:14 PM] Jesse D: just leave it as that than
[10/17/16, 9:28:31 PM] Jesse D: if u dont want to its fine
[10/17/16, 9:29:04 PM] Jesse D: its not really too much to ask
[10/17/16, 9:29:31 PM] Portable Appz: ?
[10/17/16, 9:30:16 PM] Portable Appz: okay its up to you bud.
[10/17/16, 9:30:19 PM] Jesse D: yea man i am going to ask you for at least refund the payment than… since u cant do team view the final product…
[10/17/16, 9:30:36 PM] Jesse D: its only fair man
[10/17/16, 9:31:08 PM] Jesse D: if u so busy its not cool to put me in back of the bus
[10/17/16, 9:31:17 PM] Jesse D: and cant even show me the product
[10/17/16, 9:31:56 PM] Jesse D: it sounds fishy to me
[10/17/16, 9:32:08 PM] Portable Appz: you said yesterday that you will send final payment today. i am ready to send the files now.
[10/17/16, 9:32:32 PM] Jesse D: yea they probably a sham man, if u cant team view it
[10/17/16, 9:32:43 PM] Jesse D: look how much back n fourth u wasted already
[10/17/16, 9:32:57 PM] Jesse D: and u telling me u cant team view
[10/17/16, 9:33:02 PM] Jesse D: the final product
[10/17/16, 9:33:07 PM] Jesse D: damn man come on
[10/17/16, 9:33:07 PM] Portable Appz: because you keep arguing.
[10/17/16, 9:33:12 PM] Jesse D: it not that hard
[10/17/16, 9:33:43 PM] Portable Appz: nevermind nevermind. if you cant send final payment
[10/17/16, 9:33:46 PM] Jesse D: well dude some ppl love too show off the final product b4 sending payment
[10/17/16, 9:33:59 PM] Jesse D: yea u scamed me
[10/17/16, 9:34:03 PM] Jesse D: there is no product
[10/17/16, 9:34:23 PM] Portable Appz: i did not scammed you.. you are the first client that won't send final payment.
[10/17/16, 9:34:37 PM] Jesse D: u first dev cant show product
[10/17/16, 9:34:40 PM] Portable Appz: anyway its not on the agreement that i show the product.
[10/17/16, 9:34:42 PM] Jesse D: at least a sample
[10/17/16, 9:34:54 PM] Jesse D: forget it man its cool
[10/17/16, 9:35:00 PM] Jesse D: if u need the money that bad
[10/17/16, 9:35:06 PM] Jesse D: god forgive u
[10/17/16, 9:35:22 PM] Jesse D: bc i hate disputes in paypal
[10/17/16, 9:35:31 PM] Jesse D: at least refund 40% and lets move on
[10/17/16, 9:38:17 PM] Portable Appz: after i have wasted 48 hours working for this bot
[10/17/16, 9:44:37 PM] Portable Appz: let me know if you want to get the bot
[10/17/16, 9:44:48 PM] Portable Appz: oh i got an idea, send $25 then ill show you the demo
[10/17/16, 9:50:28 PM] Portable Appz: are you still there?
[10/17/16, 9:50:28 PM] Portable Appz: are you still there?
[10/17/16, 10:05:43 PM] Portable Appz: http://prnt.sc/cvo0k0

[10/17/16, 9:29:36 PM] Danielle Auldrey: Hi, Jesse D, I'd like to add you as a contact.
[10/17/16, 9:36:20 PM] Jesse D: Jesse D has shared contact details with Danielle Auldrey.
[10/17/16, 9:49:44 PM] Danielle Auldrey: http://prnt.sc/cvo0k0
[10/17/16, 9:49:56 PM] Danielle Auldrey: hi there
[10/17/16, 9:50:33 PM] Jesse D: hi
[10/17/16, 9:50:44 PM] Jesse D: whats this
[10/17/16, 9:50:50 PM] Danielle Auldrey: saw your BHW post
[10/17/16, 9:50:55 PM] Danielle Auldrey: can you tell me rthe details
[10/17/16, 9:51:19 PM] Jesse D: which post?
[10/17/16, 9:51:29 PM] Danielle Auldrey: about a BOT
[10/17/16, 9:54:09 PM] Jesse D: nah not interested
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