Rihanna's fishy Instagram account


Junior Member
Jul 21, 2011
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I've been taking a lot of interest in instagram's POP page, as everyone else is and while I was doing some snooping I realized something funny when I syumbled across Rihanna's instagram account.

The first thing I realized is that Rihanna's account wasn't getting a lot of comments. The most I seen on the front page was 5,000 comments. But she was averaging somewhere between 1,000 - 2,000. Don't get me wrong, that's great! But, considering the fact that she has almost 4,000,000 followers I think that's a bit fishy, especially because she's the 4th most followed person on Instagram. Not to mention that there are people with a lot less followers getting 60,000 comments on average.

Now normally I wouldn't pay too much attention to this but considering the fact that she was rapped up in that messy YouTube situation where her and a bunch of other DefJam artists had their views taken away, I had to investigate further.

I then later found that none of her recent photos have hit the POP page. Again, this is something that I wouldn't usually pay attention to but given the fact that I'm constantly trolling around BHW I'm well aware that the POP page is very coveted at the moment.

Another slightly related incident happend a year or two ago. A few of her tours had to be canceled, due to lack of ticket sales.

Are we on the verge of something here? Is Rihanna's fanbase one gigantic blackhat fraud that has gone on for way too long? Or it this merely a coincidence? I know one thing, I can't tell you the last time I or anyone has purchased anything Rihanna related (not counting Eminem's Recovery album) but I can most certainly tell you that I've been having her songs drilled into my head for the last 5 or so years.
I've been taking a lot of interest in instagram's POP page, as everyone else is and while I was doing some snooping I realized something funny when I syumbled across Rihanna's instagram account.

The first thing I realized is that Rihanna's account wasn't getting a lot of comments. The most I seen on the front page was 5,000 comments. But she was averaging somewhere between 1,000 - 2,000. Don't get me wrong, that's great! But, considering the fact that she has almost 4,000,000 followers I think that's a bit fishy, especially because she's the 4th most followed person on Instagram. Not to mention that there are people with a lot less followers getting 60,000 comments on average.

Now normally I wouldn't pay too much attention to this but considering the fact that she was rapped up in that messy YouTube situation where her and a bunch of other DefJam artists had their views taken away, I had to investigate further.

I then later found that none of her recent photos have hit the POP page. Again, this is something that I wouldn't usually pay attention to but given the fact that I'm constantly trolling around BHW I'm well aware that the POP page is very coveted at the moment.

Another slightly related incident happend a year or two ago. A few of her tours had to be canceled, due to lack of ticket sales.

Are we on the verge of something here? Is Rihanna's fanbase one gigantic blackhat fraud that has gone on for way too long? Or it this merely a coincidence? I know one thing, I can't tell you the last time I or anyone has purchased anything Rihanna related (not counting Eminem's Recovery album) but I can most certainly tell you that I've been having her songs drilled into my head for the last 5 or so years.

lol I was thinking about this also. Rihanna seems to be such a big star but somethings so fishy about her social networks. But honestly bro the biggest guys are always doing things like this.
Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

She has become a caricature of herself. If you see her twitter ( I assume her Instagram is the same ) she posts DAILY semi nude photos of herself. Pictures of her smoking weed, sitting topless on a car, naked by a fire, etc.

She is loosing it so quickly that shes going all "Madonna" on us. I for one can't stand her and have found her vanity in recent months has ruined any chance of me supporting her music.

I believe the Rude Boy era was the end. I never liked any of those songs ( preferred young Rihanna ) but I can genuinely say everybody I knew raved out the album. Now? She has gone down the drain quality wise and I assumed instantly she was one of the big Vevos to loose views.
well i guess she bought some followers to enter into instagram :P
I like RiRi but understand what your saying ...but that's what the music industry is mostly HYPE . Its funny when you think about this album she just realesed was her first number one album. When I found that out I was like how she always in the media but yeah. It is what is .
You sir, made my day.

I'm glad that I was able to do such a thing

If you have to ask the question, your are not very bright.

I could just be making conversation. But, thanks for you input.

yea, shes cheap, she can afford fake folllowers only ROFL

That's what I'm thinking. But then again, she probably doesn't handle the marketing herself. That would ruin her cool factor. :cool:

lol I was thinking about this also. Rihanna seems to be such a big star but somethings so fishy about her social networks. But honestly bro the biggest guys are always doing things like this.

Great minds think alike :D Yeah, at this point I think if Jack Donaghy was a real person he would have botted some followers. Again, it's probably the nerd that she hired to do it who's responsable. He's pocketing all that cash and just botting away. lol

It's mine it's mine :D

If that's a Rihanna reference I don't get it.

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

She has become a caricature of herself. If you see her twitter ( I assume her Instagram is the same ) she posts DAILY semi nude photos of herself. Pictures of her smoking weed, sitting topless on a car, naked by a fire, etc.

She is loosing it so quickly that shes going all "Madonna" on us. I for one can't stand her and have found her vanity in recent months has ruined any chance of me supporting her music.

I believe the Rude Boy era was the end. I never liked any of those songs ( preferred young Rihanna ) but I can genuinely say everybody I knew raved out the album. Now? She has gone down the drain quality wise and I assumed instantly she was one of the big Vevos to loose views.

You are most welcome. I haven't seen her twitter in a while but I can only imagine what it looks like. I feel the same way, she's on this downward spiral. One can only hope it's a phase. I've enjoyed some of her songs in the past but I feel like her music is full of that 'wtf I heard this song 1,000 times today, who the hell is this? Oh, it's Rihanna' element. I was not even the slightest surprised when she was on the list of lost views but I was shocked that someone finally spoke out about it!

P.S. Your icon is amazing. I want a Sega shirt right now. ALSO, you are the worlds greatest gf for that pc you got your boyfriend and I like your electronic music. :D

You sir, made my day.

I'm glad that I was able to do such a thing

If you have to ask the question, your are not very bright.

I could just be making conversation. But, thanks for you input.

yea, shes cheap, she can afford fake folllowers only ROFL

That's what I'm thinking. But then again, she probably doesn't handle the marketing herself. That would ruin her cool factor. :cool:

lol I was thinking about this also. Rihanna seems to be such a big star but somethings so fishy about her social networks. But honestly bro the biggest guys are always doing things like this.

Great minds think alike :D Yeah, at this point I think if Jack Donaghy was a real person he would have botted some followers. Again, it's probably the nerd that she hired to do it who's responsable. He's pocketing all that cash and just botting away. lol

It's mine it's mine :D

If that's a Rihanna reference I don't get it.

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

She has become a caricature of herself. If you see her twitter ( I assume her Instagram is the same ) she posts DAILY semi nude photos of herself. Pictures of her smoking weed, sitting topless on a car, naked by a fire, etc.

She is loosing it so quickly that shes going all "Madonna" on us. I for one can't stand her and have found her vanity in recent months has ruined any chance of me supporting her music.

I believe the Rude Boy era was the end. I never liked any of those songs ( preferred young Rihanna ) but I can genuinely say everybody I knew raved out the album. Now? She has gone down the drain quality wise and I assumed instantly she was one of the big Vevos to loose views.

You are most welcome. I haven't seen her twitter in a while but I can only imagine what it looks like. I feel the same way, she's on this downward spiral. One can only hope it's a phase. I've enjoyed some of her songs in the past but I feel like her music is full of that 'wtf I heard this song 1,000 times today, who the hell is this? Oh, it's Rihanna' element. I was not even the slightest surprised when she was on the list of lost views but I was shocked that someone finally spoke out about it!

P.S. Your icon is amazing. I want a Sega shirt right now. ALSO, you are the worlds greatest gf for that pc you got your boyfriend and I like your electronic music. :)

Music Industry is as corrupt as ever!

Coming from someone that has been dealing with that industry for years... yes... yes it is.

I really like Rihanna.

Here's why. http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/61204282.html

Compare and contrast with Britney spears


At first I hated you for posting this because you are making it so much harder to out her BUT you did remind me to remember she's probably an awesome person and that someone else is probably behind this. Thank you.


I did a bit more investigating and it seems like she may not get as many comments as others because she posts frequently. That makes sense. But, she still doesn't hit POP page so I'm still suspicious. It will be hard to tell for the time being since no one appears to be 100% on the mechanics of the algorithm.
I like RiRi but understand what your saying ...but that's what the music industry is mostly HYPE . Its funny when you think about this album she just realesed was her first number one album. When I found that out I was like how she always in the media but yeah. It is what is .

I couldn't have said it better myself. That's been happening a lot lately. Way more often than it should. I remember when I saw the record sales for Lil Wayne and Drake. People were speaking about them like they were selling huge worldwide records. Meanwhile they were just breaking 1 million. They used the excuse of the hip hop industry to give them Klout but then EMINEM returned and sold over 10 Million on Recovery. 'Don't believe the hype.' lol
Record companies have to be ultra black hat. They use every dirty trick in the book to make sales, and that goes for artists and their social media accounts. The corruption doesn't stop there, it goes on into political social media, games, movies, etc. The real problem comes down to PEOPLE THINKING THAT THERE ARE NO DIRTY TRICKS INVOLVED IN MARKETING / ADVERTISING. Where the fuck do we learn this from? We think that the world is fair? Really, but where does this thought come from? Where do we think that Microsoft or Nicki Minaj or even presidents and prime ministers are fucking saints when it comes to advertising and marketing? We assume this "Angelic Purity" by being naive. In the real world, we need to use advantages to make sales and survive and stop believing that businesses or popular people just simply got popular. Someone somewhere did some shady shit to get those people on top, you just didn't know about it.
yea, shes cheap, she can afford fake folllowers only ROFL

haha..Really funny Post

Record companies have to be ultra black hat. They use every dirty trick in the book to make sales, and that goes for artists and their social media accounts. The corruption doesn't stop there, it goes on into political social media, games, movies, etc. The real problem comes down to PEOPLE THINKING THAT THERE ARE NO DIRTY TRICKS INVOLVED IN MARKETING / ADVERTISING. Where the fuck do we learn this from? We think that the world is fair? Really, but where does this thought come from? Where do we think that Microsoft or Nicki Minaj or even presidents and prime ministers are fucking saints when it comes to advertising and marketing? We assume this "Angelic Purity" by being naive. In the real world, we need to use advantages to make sales and survive and stop believing that businesses or popular people just simply got popular. Someone somewhere did some shady shit to get those people on top, you just didn't know about it.

You are Right :)
P.S. Your icon is amazing. I want a Sega shirt right now. ALSO, you are the worlds greatest gf for that pc you got your boyfriend and I like your electronic music. :D

Thank you! Yes I'm Sega mad myself. Genesis era, however! I have Sega / Nintendo shirts, Desktop backgrounds, fridge magnets, etc.

And thank you for the comment on my music! Means a lot.
Record companies have to be ultra black hat. They use every dirty trick in the book to make sales, and that goes for artists and their social media accounts. The corruption doesn't stop there, it goes on into political social media, games, movies, etc. The real problem comes down to PEOPLE THINKING THAT THERE ARE NO DIRTY TRICKS INVOLVED IN MARKETING / ADVERTISING. Where the fuck do we learn this from? We think that the world is fair? Really, but where does this thought come from? Where do we think that Microsoft or Nicki Minaj or even presidents and prime ministers are fucking saints when it comes to advertising and marketing? We assume this "Angelic Purity" by being naive. In the real world, we need to use advantages to make sales and survive and stop believing that businesses or popular people just simply got popular. Someone somewhere did some shady shit to get those people on top, you just didn't know about it.

Yeah you are absolutely correct. But as fair as the world may not be, there has always been a code of ethics. For example, think about criminals in the streets. Some are wild madmen, but some are kingpins attached to organized crime. They may break so rules but they don't break rules that will have you question their character. That's why I made of point of making this statement. I know for a fact that there are a few artists out there that may break the rules but within a certain standard whereas others will abuse it and exploit it.

It's just like when a bot goes public on BHW. It works incredibly well, and if everyone took the time to build some brands to promote, websites like Instagram wouldn't have to constantly change their algorithms to regulate things.

Look at @alishaholiday's account. She has 963,391 followers and is following 4,033,818 people.


Does she or whoever is running their account expect instagram to believe that she really sat there and followed all of those people manually?

I used to think like you. I used to go on websites like Reddit and believe that almost everyone else except for me was gaming it. I thought it was impossible for a single human being to generate a large number of views without knowing a heavy amount of SEO gaming tactics. But now I go on Reddit and hit front page practically everyday. One of my posts has over 200,000 views and that's one of my greatest achievements on the web.

Take it from someone that has done well both in black hat and white hat, being legit is the way to go if it's possible for you. And trust me I KNEW THAT.
hahahaha great read. I work directly with a few artists. Have done orders for multiple fortune 500 companies and a couple have been my biggest clients for over a year.