✅ ✅ Ready-Made & Profitable - Complete Adult PORN Tube Sites Done For You $$$$ │ Passive Monthly Income ✅ ✅

I am interested, samples please, and skype contact if you have
I purchased a porn tube a couple of weeks ago. It was delivered in a timely manner.
I can't quite remember exactly how long TAT was but it was quite prompt.
Great looking site! Nice layout with an extra theme or two to try. 2000 videos preloaded up.

Had a little issue with random videos not loading but contacted the vendor and was promptly returned some things to try and we quickly fixed the problem. A plugin wasn't working correctly. Deactivated until update arrives.

I'm happy. Also, the model showing the website on boobs is top-notch!!! Great little extra to help promote the tube!

Having minimal WordPress experience and no desire to build a tube site from scratch at this moment, I think this was a great way to introduce myself to tubesites.
Now, I will build tube site in the future that I have a model to work from maybe...

Great service! Highly recommended!
I'm very much interested.
I'd love to see a sample site as well as know more about 'mass video import' function.
I have an idea for a JAV (Japanese AV) tube site that I've been thinking about, and if you
can implement or help with that idea, I'd definitely be interested getting started right away.
I'm very much interested.
I'd love to see a sample site as well as know more about 'mass video import' function.
I have an idea for a JAV (Japanese AV) tube site that I've been thinking about, and if you
can implement or help with that idea, I'd definitely be interested getting started right away.
I am too, I was looking at other plugins for wordpress to scrap jav vids but to no avail.
Update: Thread Edited

The seller has contacted us to change the content of the opening post in their sales thread. The old content and the new content can be found in the spoilers below.

Title: Ready-Made & Profitable - Complete Adult Porn Tube Sites Done For You! ✅ Passive Monthly Income ✅

Hello BHW - Have you ever wanted your own porn tube site to make money from?

Now is your chance to get an amazing deal for a low price which will include you a fully ready-made porn tube website with your own brand name, mass videos, niche-related or general porn tube site with 18+ disclaimer, themes, custom logo, plugins (Including mass video import) and loads more.

We are offering our new sexy services along with the website creation. You can just order the website, select if you are going with a niche-site or a general porn site and just give us the name you want and leave the rest to us! Once the website is yours all you have to do is sign up to advertising networks and place ads in the adzones and start earning! (We will also include you a 18-page PDF to show you on how to set-up, place ads in your website, send traffic and much more!)

A lot of members are already earning from porn tubes, now is your chance to join in.


We will basically give you an adult branded WP-Script site with everything included including a custom logo for your site and everything already imported to just start and gain revenue which you can grow and monetize. Choose if you wish a niche-themed adult porn site or a general porn site and we can start getting to work instantly. The tube will include a logo, mass videos already imported, categories, popular videos tab (and others such as latest videos, longest and random videos) and much more. All you would need to do is sign up for some advertising networks (We will show you on PDF too) and place the ads on your website and start gaining revenue while focusing on sending traffic. The site will come also with a 18-page PDF to show you on how to set-up, place ads, customize some settings, gain traffic and a lot more to help you out in growing and earning money with your tube site.

What will you be getting:

  • Fully branded wordpress WP-SCRIPT website.
  • Responsive website and ready for mobile.
  • Your own custom made LOGO on the website.
  • Mass video emblem with just 1-click from big tube sites.
  • 18+ Disclaimer (To accept you are over the age of 18)
  • In-Video Player which you can display your own Pre-Roll In-Video Advertising.
  • 1,000+ Embedded videos on your website.
  • PDF to show you how to get traffic, set-up and much more.
  • English support via email or Skype.
  • All the necessary plugins and themes installed.
  • Home, Popular Videos, Models And Categories tab.
  • Set-up your site with any help you need.
  • Videos will be imported from Redtube, Pornhub and Xvideos.
For the GOLD Package we are also offering a real HOT model showing off your website such as (www.yourwebsitename.com) on her boobs as a promotion which you can advertise on tubes, websites and much much more! (This is optional and the gold package is required which is $109.99)

Pricing Starts From: $89.99 per website or $109.99 per website with promo video to advertise with. We accept PayPal and Paxum as payment methods at the current moment. (Please check image for more information or don't hesitate to message me for more details!)

How To Buy:

BHW: @Luca Jones
Email: [email protected]

Skype: [email protected]

Message me if you wish to buy and I will get back to you in a moment - you can message me here on BHW, Skype or Email - whichever suits you best. Reply on this thread with 'I want the discount code' for a 10% discount on the first few members of BHW! Thank you for your interest in the service and let me know if you have any questions! :)

Title: ✅ ✅ Ready-Made & Profitable - Complete Adult PORN Tube Sites Done For You $$$$ │ Passive Monthly Income ✅ ✅

Hello BHW - Have you ever wanted your own porn tube site to make money from?

Now is your chance to get an amazing deal for a affordable price which will include you a fully ready-made porn tube website with your own brand name, mass videos, niche-related or general porn tube site with full advanced theme, custom logo, plugins (Including mass video import), documentation how to earn and loads more.

We are offering our new sexy services along with the website creation. You can just order the website, select if you are going with a niche-site or a general porn site and just give us the name you want and leave the rest to us! Once the website is yours all you have to do is sign up to advertising networks and place ads in the adzones and start earning! (We will also include you a 18-page PDF to show you on how to set-up, place ads in your website, send traffic and much more!)

A lot of members are already earning from porn tubes, now is your chance to join in.


We will basically give you an adult branded WP-Script site with a theme and everything included including a custom logo for your site and everything already imported to just start and gain revenue which you can grow and monetize. Choose if you wish a niche-themed adult porn site or a general porn site and we can start getting to work instantly. The tube will include a logo, mass videos already imported, categories, popular videos tab (and others such as latest videos, longest and random videos) and much more. All you would need to do is sign up for some advertising networks (We will show you on PDF too) and place the ads on your website and start gaining revenue while focusing on sending traffic. The site will come also with a 18-page PDF to show you on how to set-up, place ads, customize some settings, gain traffic and a lot more to help you out in growing and earning money with your tube site.

What will you be getting:

Fully branded wordpress WP-SCRIPT website.
Responsive website and ready for mobile.
One fully responsive and beautiful theme.
Your own custom made LOGO on the website.
Mass video emblem with just 1-click from big tube sites.
18+ Disclaimer (To accept you are over the age of 18)
1,000+ / 2,000+ Embedded videos on your website.
PDF to show you how to get traffic, set-up and much more.
English support via email or Skype.
All the necessary plugins and themes installed.
Home, Popular Videos, Models And Categories tab.
Set-up your site with any help you need.
Videos will be imported from Redtube, Pornhub and XVideos (+ other porn sites)

For the GOLD Package we are also offering a real HOT model showing off your website such as (www.yourwebsitename.com) on her boobs as a promotion which you can advertise on tubes, websites and much much more! (This is optional and the gold package is required which is $109.99)

Pricing Starts From: $89.99 per website or $109.99 per website with promo video to advertise with. We accept Payoneer, Direct (made via Request Payoneer) and Paxum as payment methods at the current moment. (Please check image for more information or don't hesitate to message me for more details)

Payment Methods: Paxum, Direct (Visa, Mastercard) & Payoneer.

Refund Policy: If we fail to deliver in 10-days, then we will offer you a full refund.

How To Buy:

Contact On BHW: @Luca Jones
Personal Skype: live:.cid.f90632ae062265d4
(Copy and paste this ONLY, DO NOT add me on Skype from email address due to imposters)

Message me if you wish to buy and I will get back to you - you can message me here on BHW or Skype for the fastest - whichever suits you best. Reply on this thread with 'I want the discount code' for a 10% discount on the first few members of BHW for the thread re-launch! Thank you for your interest in the service and let me know if you have any questions!

Notes: This service was not re-tested.

Reply on this thread with 'I want the discount code' for a 10% discount on the first few members of BHW. Get your porn tube site now up and running in no time and make some cash!

PM me for sample sites

Let's make some
Passive Monthly Income

Reply on this thread with 'I want the discount code' for a 10% discount. Get your porn tube site now up and running in no time and make some cash!

PM me for sample sites

Let's make some

Passive Monthly Income