Question about Keyword Density


Registered Member
Jul 19, 2012
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So I wrote a 4000 word article targeting a "best product". I am a little confused about keyword density. Let me explain...lets's say that my niche is lawn mowers. In this case I would be targeting the keyword "Best lawn mowers", which appears in my article 5 2% density which should be fine. Instead, the keyword "lawn mowers" appears 55 TIMES with 12% density; This is probably a newby question, but can this hurt my rankings?
I wouldn't worry about that.

I ranked for keywords with similar density to yours.
I don't think that it will effect your ranking and you go ahead with that much keyword density.
So I wrote a 4000 word article targeting a "best product". I am a little confused about keyword density. Let me explain...lets's say that my niche is lawn mowers. In this case I would be targeting the keyword "Best lawn mowers", which appears in my article 5 2% density which should be fine. Instead, the keyword "lawn mowers" appears 55 TIMES with 12% density; This is probably a newby question, but can this hurt my rankings?

It could negatively affect your ranking, @anonim.44. One of my clients had a bad experience about this.
This is the reason why we're using a tool that checks the density of 2-word, 3-word, 4-word and 5-word phrases when we write the articles of our clients.
So I wrote a 4000 word article targeting a "best product". I am a little confused about keyword density. Let me explain...lets's say that my niche is lawn mowers. In this case I would be targeting the keyword "Best lawn mowers", which appears in my article 5 2% density which should be fine. Instead, the keyword "lawn mowers" appears 55 TIMES with 12% density; This is probably a newby question, but can this hurt my rankings?

According to Google 2 to 4% keyword density is fine for your websites ranking. 12% density is too much.
Keyword density is more important for a content.
Don't try keyword stuffing it will affect your rankings.
I think it's good. Basically, for 500+ word article has less than 2% density is good, for 1000+ word article has less than 5% density is good.
From that wise, your 4000 word article has 12% density is good and you need not worry about it.:)
Well, we all know that keyword stuffing is not a good idea. But if that's the case, try to keep it natural, your text should have a natural feel and try to reduce the number of your keywords since it can only put harm on your site.
It could negatively affect your ranking, @anonim.44. One of my clients had a bad experience about this.
This is the reason why we're using a tool that checks the density of 2-word, 3-word, 4-word and 5-word phrases when we write the articles of our clients.

According to Google 2 to 4% keyword density is fine for your websites ranking. 12% density is too much.

Keyword density is more important for a content.
Don't try keyword stuffing it will affect your rankings.

Well, we all know that keyword stuffing is not a good idea. But if that's the case, try to keep it natural, your text should have a natural feel and try to reduce the number of your keywords since it can only put harm on your site.

Well there are contrasting opinions on this
I am not trying to do keyword stuffing. I didn't even notice it till I checked out using wordcounter. Checked a few authority sites and they have the same "problem" (in the case this is a problem).
The thing is, if I write 4000 words about a soecific product its natural that the keyword will be repeated this many times
Off-course more Keyword Density can hurt your ranking. Please check the Keyword Density with the help of the Keyword Density checker tool. It helps you with this issue. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Honestly, 4-8% is prime. Anything above that is stuffing and it will effect your rankings. Though given the amount of words in it, you might actually not be negatively effected. How often do you publish content for this keyword?
So I wrote a 4000 word article targeting a "best product". I am a little confused about keyword density. Let me explain...lets's say that my niche is lawn mowers. In this case I would be targeting the keyword "Best lawn mowers", which appears in my article 5 2% density which should be fine. Instead, the keyword "lawn mowers" appears 55 TIMES with 12% density; This is probably a newby question, but can this hurt my rankings?

!2% seems a little too much, keyword stuffing that exceeds 3% max 4% usually affects ranking.
Honestly, 4-8% is prime. Anything above that is stuffing and it will effect your rankings. Though given the amount of words in it, you might actually not be negatively effected. How often do you publish content for this keyword?

I have 2 articles. The 4000 word one and a 1500 words guide with a similar kw density; maybe a little less.
3 to 5% would be good. In your case your content length is 4000, So make the 3 to 5% of it and use that number of keywords through out the whole article. But keep in mind optimization of article. Like title should start from your keyword, keyword in first line etc..
I have 2 articles. The 4000 word one and a 1500 words guide with a similar kw density; maybe a little less.

If it's not that often, you might be alright with leaving the density as is. If I were you, I'd try to bring it down to at least 8%.
Actually, we don’t need to consider keyword density much,but In this case, 12% is little high,so avoid keyword stuffing and place your keyword in appropriate places which will increase your rank for that keyword.
In a 4000 word article, your keyword density is little high.. It might affect your site because it is not look natural..
I wouldn't do more than 4% unless this is a churn and burn or parasite page. More than 10% is bad juju
Yea.. I managed to get the density down, mostly using synonyms like tool, machine and device.

Thank you all
Yea.. I managed to get the density down, mostly using synonyms like tool, machine and device.

Thank you all

Synonyms are best. Rank Brain picks up on synonyms and helps you from being sand boxed while ranking your main KW because of the synonyms in tandem. What tool did you use?