Q & A Time


Junior Member
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, I'm tired of reading all the little questions going on all over the forum of what happened to this, and why wont this work, and 50,000 responses to it and most of them don't even have a real clue what is going on. Not to insult them or anything, I appreciate everyone helping out, that's what a forum is about. But how about anyone with a generic question just ask it in this thread so i can just refresh this page and answer stuff?

I'm bored, I'm getting drunk, I'm doing a little pimping and hacking while I'm waiting to answer questions. I won't answer anything that you're not allowed to ask in this area, (read: Forum Rules). But other than that, all your little "how to make money online" stuff questions. or "I'm 15 and want to get my parents to trust me"...lets see what my drunkenness can come up with!

P.S. ask tonight, I'm totally not doing this sober!

First Business Started at 13
Income Claimed...err...Made: $3million USD (no, you can't have any)
Businesses Currently Owned: 7
Can code in C, Java, Flash, Html, php - all the basics.

Aaaaaaaaand GO!
13 years old huh? What business did you start at 13?

I was outside probably playing basketball and wondering why the girls didn't like me at that age.
13 years old huh? What business did you start at 13?

I was outside probably playing basketball and wondering why the girls didn't like me at that age.

That is a fantastic question (to get my post count up with)! Myself and four other guys started the whole selling items on ebay craze back before Everquest and then took it through Eq, EQ2, Wow and so forth. We owned 80% of the games currency back in the day, now its so saturated its not even worth our time...

Three time dupe champion on Everquest, Once on Everquest 2, and Once on WoW...

To those of you who aren't nerds and gamers...it means I created the hacks to copy shit, and created the idea to make the stuff out of thin air sell for a lot of money. Hence, the huge paychecks.

Next question please! :)
What have you spent some of your money on? What car do you drive?
I hope you realize that since this is in The Lounge that your post count will not raise.
What have you spent some of your money on? What car do you drive?

I have a CTS and an XLR as I said in the car thread - XLR is kind of my baby and it stays in the garage mostly, CTS is the everyday car. I love caddilac :P

And at TermsB, yes I know my post count won't go up, I was just joking around about the question because I had already told him about that, and he IMed me telling me he was gana ask stupid questions lol. Figured id answer since thats what I said id do in the post :P
Well well than, I guess I'll ask an important question. What you drinking? :banana:
Scotch, Oban.

Decided to go all sophisticated after doing jack and coke for most of the night lol. As my new favorite joke said in the joke thread...

I like my whiskey like i like my girls, 12 years old and mixed up in coke. LOL
2 questions

1. What surprised you the most since you started?
2. Whats the most important thing you have learned since you started?
2 questions

1. What surprised you the most since you started?
2. Whats the most important thing you have learned since you started?

Oh sure, ask a real question...ruin my fun...lol

What surprised me the most since I started? Well, I'm not sure exactly in which way you mean that, so I'll answer in all of the ways I can think.

Surprised about Members: I was shocked to see how many young people are here, and that after twenty years of forums being around, they still don't attempt to search and gain knowledge. Instead, they want 1 question, 1 answer.

Surprised to See: I laughed my ass off when i saw that there was actually a whole forum dedicated to heterosexual men, telling other heterosexual men, how to pretend to be a women, and make money off of, you guessed it, heterosexual men. LOL, it still makes me giggily.

Surprised by Information: I don't think I've actually been surprised by any information here. There are loads of great 'how i did it' and 'what not to do' articles. And I'm not saying I knew it all, far from it, It just wasn't much of a stretch to bring any of the ideas from my old hacking days to these days.

Heck, i've even done my fair share of ewhoring but for a totally different set of strategies lol. I used to partially own a giant auction site that started out being like craigslist, and we did it just SO we could post on it and spam it up like craigslist with our own stuff. I guess what they say about "no new ideas" is true, its all just new applications of those ideas. Time to get my thinking cap back on and remember all the fun and fantastic exploits we used to pull, and see how we can reapply them.

Question Two, what is the most important thing I've learned since I started here? Gosh...I'd probably say the social bookmarking etc. I'll admit, since i was never apart of those sites and I never dealt with them, I didn't know jack shit about social bookmarking. That has given me a lot of extra pull on my online sites and gives me yet another ace in the hole with my marketing campaigns.

Second most, would be all the testing posts I've read about craigslist. Wasn't eye opening crazy stuff, but it was great to read through so I didn't waste a thousand or few thousand dollars just fucking around and getting banned trying to figure it all out myself. Truly a lifesaver. Although, downside to it though, is a lot of people talk when they don't know the details. So I got a LOT of conflicting information.

But my advice to anyone who plans to search through the craigslist areas on this forum and really read. Its not so much about the main questions being answered, but read the entire thread. Some people ask little detailed questions, and every once in a while someone who is very experienced has a perfect answer that catches your attention. It's good stuff. I for example, had no clue that you could softblock air cards. That would have stumped the crap out of me for quite a while.

Now that I have a general base of knowledge on the subject, I don't want any more questions till i can actually dive in and try out what I 'THINK' i know. Once I do that...you'll see me pick some peoples brains more :)