If your payments go to an LLC you can pay yourself as an employee. Set the income to bi - weekly, make it full time, get the full pay out every two weeks. It can count as salary. Make it seem like you really do work two full time jobs.
The problem is the Tax Man will then tax you (Potentially, depending where the LLC is from) for earnings to Click Bank and your personal Tax's.
But this is a way around the banking requirement for enough income.
I would check with a bank or two of which you may get a loan from to see what exactly they would want. For a small bank, loans typically go to a review board. Larger banks are more automated. The knowledge of this should change what strategy you use to prove income.
For many larger banks, just showing you make X amount of dollars, are full time, and have been for X amount of months is enough.
For smaller banks, they often will take more things into consideration and look for what is the lowest risk. Having the income may not be as important as other factors.
The LLC does open the possibility of getting a loan for your company as well. Which can be extremely difficult to do, but can be done. It is another option.
Disclaimer: This is all my personal experience only. I had to apply for a few private loans for different ventures (Athletic and Job Expenses in which I got paid after performance), private loan for financial expenses, and finally applying for a personal loan for a dating niche company. Different credit ranking and different assets at all times, but I found the same problems. Ay money I made from private ventures, paid in cash business, athletic ventures were ignored even with proof of payout. Small and Large financial institution wanted from me, personally, a company to be paying me consistently.