Paypal: Creating an account for non-ebay uses help


Oct 17, 2016
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I am trying to create a paypal account for purposes outside of ebay.

Before, I had 2 paypal accounts (my main one was under my real name and another side one). But my main account got perm banned when I was using it with ebay because I got too many refunds at once.
Surprisingly, my side account still worked for a long time using my same IP adress, but recently got limited for receiving too much money too fast or something like that.

I would like to know, is there a good and safe way to create another PP account & not get linked & banned. I'm not gonna use this account for ebay, only for receiving money from other sources.
The same way you would when creating a stealth account for use with Ebay. Get yourself a previously unused savings account you can link it to and a new email address on a new ip/proxy/vps. If you need to fund the acct, use a vanilla visa gift card.
correct me if im wrong but wouldnt the savings account being under his real name be an issue?

I'm no expert when it comes to stealthing, but I assumed you had to get an LLC to avoid using ur name
If your side account is under your real name, I suggest to create a new PP account (with different IP,proxy) with a different email address. And then, you could transfer money from the new PP account to the side one.
I made a guide for this: