New Here - looking for info on proxies and scrapebox


Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
Hi Group

Grateful to be here.

Looking for advice on how proxies work and how I can use them with scrapebox and other SEO tools.

Seen a free proxy list but not sure how to use it ...

A few queries:

are these safe to use?

any downfalls?

would you rather recommend buying proxies?

How many will I need?

I am starting to sell SEO Services to web design clients

Any info I would be very grateful to you!

Many thanks
Calling the resident proxy expert @proxygo

But to answer some of your questions as Im certainly proficient in scrapebox

free proxies are public proxies. They die fast and they could change to showing your info at any point. These are good for scraping/harvesting - such as scraping google, bing etc.. Basically if you want to do something in mass as the potential expense of accuracy, these are good.

If you need accuracy, such as posting links, etc.. you want private proxies.

As for how many free proxies, you can do some trail and error and see what your sweet spot is for your scraping needs, but they die so fast you can have dead ones by the time your done testing a batch of them. they last hours sometimes minutes.

As for paid, start with like 10, go from there. You can always add more, and shared private proxies can be a good way to save dollars, if you get a good provider. Ive used shared for years. You can also use your paid ones for scraping.


10 years ago as loopline will no public proxies
where google passed in there thousands, but as more
and more people used them, the numbers dwindled from
4/5k a day down to 1/200 from public proxies.

as a stop gap they might get you by in a pinch
but for reliability your gonna need private proxies
and who ever you buy them from make sure to ask the
seller that the proxies are scrapebox/google friendly
thank you very much - I also bought scrapebox recently but have not had chance to go through it properly!