Need some ideas on what to do with this domain...


Registered Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Hey guys, so I bought a domain about a year ago for a business I was running while in college. Well, now I am out of college, in a different state, and no longer run the business. A few days ago I got an email about renewing my domain and I thought eh why the hell not. So now I have this domain and no idea what to do with it.

I dont want to get the business up and going again because I really cant work the hours I would need to in order for it to work. I am open to LITERALLY ANY SUGGESTION...within reason... Who knows maybe one of you JR.VIPs will trade the PPMG for it!?!:bling: haha.

Anyway the domain is whileuwait dot net. I put WP on it when I renewed it and a few articles I just stole from other websites to try and see if I could do a news type site, but I feel like that market is already saturated right?
What to do with it ? Well... run a website lol.

A domain isn't worth anayting if there not traffic/backlinks or some authority associated with it. And yours has nothing --> worth nothing
You could have chooser another domain and it would have been the same result.

Now try to find something you like and write about it. You're starting a business from 0: No backlinks, no references, no visitors. So basically you're free to do whaveter you wanna do.

Good luck