Looking for a WEB DESIGNER for Website and a Marketplace Thread


Junior Member
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
I have more than 100,000 aged 5 years-old Facebook Accounts and I want to build a website and a thread in marketplace forum to sell them. I do not offer more services, and do not still offer other kind of accounts, though I am building Facebook Ads accounts which I will add to my offers coming soon.

I'm looking for a web designer who can build for me all these:

  • Website (just 2-3 pages).
  • Marketplace thread for sales in this forum.
  • Logo for both, website and marketplace thread.
  • Signature for the forum.

In the website I will get orders by skype / paypal / email so it can be just front page, but I would consider options for near future adding a shopping cart, with my accounts list in the server's database, so buyers could buy and get accounts instantly.

Also I will consider any options for some SEO to get the website ranked, always everything offered in an only batch.

Please send your bid together with a sample of previous websites, and a description of the kind of website (static, php, html5, cms, asp or whatever technology you use), requirements for my hosting, what works better for sales, etc. I'm not experienced on online shops and I am not looking for anything in particular, just considering the options.

If you contact directly by skype, also let me know your BHW nickname.

Thank you
Ready to provide you these all :

  • Website (just 2-3 pages).
  • Marketplace thread for sales in this forum.
  • Logo for both, website and marketplace thread.
  • Signature for the forum.
Skype request sent.
Hi, we can work for you.
Do add us on skype for better communication
Skype id : bil_stylish18
Greetings !

Check PM for the kind of websites we worked for clients ...we work on Wordpress / Magento based websites with low price tag.

skype : asianadroit

I have selecte a designer already, but I still could need a cheap copywriter for the content, which is not too much: home page, 3-4 product descriptions, about me page, terms, marketplace thread.