Keyword Research Service?


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2016
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Has anybody used any keyword research services on BHW for low competition keywords with traffic? If yes please can you share the service. Really appreciate it.

I have not seen any thread in Marketplace regarding keyword research. It is kind of difficult to find low competition keywords even with the guide.
I don't know why people feel kw research is hard :D Bhw is full of guides
I tend to buy them in order to get ideas.

Personally I haven't found one that would actually provide a wholesome low hanging fruit. It's mostly just a list of Random keywords whatever program they used that made the list for them. The longer the provider has been selling, the less they start giving a shit what the customer ends up with.

Usually I end up not using the keywords at all but instead look around the niche to tackle low competition niches around it.
I don't know why people feel kw research is hard :D Bhw is full of guides

Because it's hard AF... What it's easy is to find a demotivating set of keywords to rank for.
Probably the cause of +95% of the drop out rate from SEO Marketing rooks, which I feel it's completely fine.

Has anybody used any keyword research services on BHW for low competition keywords with traffic? If yes please can you share the service. Really appreciate it.

The best is to learn yourself. However, you can still pay expert to research keywords for you. In order not to waste money, look for someone that can find your specifications first, then pay. for example, if you are looking for a low competition keywords in a particular niche, find out if the seller can research for availability. If available, you pay and get your job. In all, the seller should know how to research with premium tool like Ahrefs or Semrush
Because it's hard AF... What it's easy is to find a demotivating set of keywords to rank for.
Probably the cause of +95% of the drop out rate from SEO Marketing rooks, which I feel it's completely fine.

I find it therapeutic actually.

@ChrisChozzer there are a few offering KGR keywords either bespoke orders or premade bundles.

I think they're under this section;
it probably won't help but here's the retarded amount of tools i use to find keywords.

KWE for bing
WMS everywhere
quick click website audit
Keyword surfer
Word Count (highlight article right click count words)
Similar web
Moz bar
META SEO inspector
the great suspender (Please everyone should install this regardless of what you're doing lol, it will change your life)

These basically give me all the information i could possibly need.
Best installed on a separate browser (i use brave) because of the ridiculous amount of API calls these tools make on google
I just suggest look into BHW deeply you will find everything there.
Since time = money, if your time is expensive ( you can afford it or you can earn more money doing something else ) I don't see anything bad in outsourcing KW research. It's outsourcing just like any other outsourcing.
Use search filter, bud. You could do it on your own without prior knowledge.
Keyword Everywhere is a handy chrome extension to do just that

Has anybody used any keyword research services on BHW for low competition keywords with traffic? If yes please can you share the service. Really appreciate it.

I can give you a free kws research service if you want, I even did a giveaway 1/2 days ago
Tried a couple of services (also low comp, KGR). Not impressed at all. You can find them yourself with ahrefs. Enough info online on how to find them.