[Journey] Just A Softcore Passive Income.


Jan 22, 2013
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I'm very bad at beginning a story or whatever so,
Hello everyone!
I'm creating this thread not to just show others it is possible to make income online (if possible) but to keep me motivated to make passive income online.
I will try to post what I try to do everyday online to make money, succeeds or not I'll just post it.
Moreover I will try to cut down on any tools that require money, and if I do succeed in something (if I do) feel free to pm me for help, advice etc.
So I wish this will keep you and me motivated (I hope).

Today I haven't done much, I've used a free software (Autoblogging) I think it's called autoblog samurai, I'm sure there's a free one in the forum.

I've added a few feeds to around 7 blogger blogs (free), one is an aged one, the other 6 are new.

I will integrate infolink ads on the aged one today, and maybe some other ppv program, I will post about it when I integrate it.

I've added 3 clickbank ads on 3 of the blogs to a certain niche.

I already have 2 analytics for 2 blogger autoblogs.

I will not add adsense to the blogger autoblogs due to known reasons (I'm not sure if it's a myth or not but to be on the safe side).

I will try to make around 3 blogger autoblogs everyday.

Also I had an article on some article site with a few hundred searches per month for a few keywords, I'm just testing if links from those blogs can move the article up in ranks for a few keywords and I am using the free version of serpfox to monitor the keywords.

I think that's everything for today.

Earnings today: $0.00
just stay focused and don't give up, the sky belongs to nobody! Anyone who will tell you "thats a waste of time" or "that'll never make you money" are just trying to kill your success, so don't listen to the nonsense and don't have any negativity. if you focus on succeeding you will, and by focus i mean constantly thinking about your blogs and what you can do to improve constantly and monetize.
So you are from Bahrain then why not are you searching oil. Ha..Ha Just jocking
Wish you best of luck OP. Never give up
Thank you everyone for the support! And yes, hopefully I will not give up!



I added some twitterfeeds to all the blogger blogs I have, to index the posts and give them some link juice, and there is a little bit of traffic from twitter too.

I added infolinks ads to the aged blogger blog yesterday and it has made some cash. I will try to add infolinks ads to some of the blogger blogs.

I'm planning to add the blogger blogs to some ppv based program when they get at least 5+ "search engine" traffic per day.

As of today I've created 2 more blogger autoblogs, added some feeds to them, twitterfeeded them and now will schedule some posts on them.

I've added a clickbank product ad to almost all the blogs, Incase there is a slight chance of a sale (Some of the blogs have some feeds close to the niche) .

One of the keywords for my article which I'm not really trying to rank for ( Very weak keyword ) has jumped to rank 70.

Anyway, earnings so far as of today:

Infolinks : $0.07

Total Earnings : $0.07

Well, at least that's a start..
Hey congratz on your journal. I'm currently stuck on earnings and ideas and I've started something similar to what you are doing, but I'm almost sure we aren't targeting the same niches. I wish you the best of lucks and success on this new quest mate... Also, i have a couple of questions if you don't mind... When you say 'softcore' what do you mean? And it's hard to get approved on infolinks?

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Hey congratz on your journal. I'm currently stuck on earnings and ideas and I've started something similar to what you are doing, but I'm almost sure we aren't targeting the same niches. I wish you the best of lucks and success on this new quest mate... Also, i have a couple of questions if you don't mind... When you say 'softcore' what do you mean? And it's hard to get approved on infolinks?

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First of all, good luck on your journey too!

Softcore as in I don't plan to stress too much on it, just a few minutes everyday, and maybe an hour on weekends doing IM, SEO etc.

And no infolinks is very easy to get approved to I guess, just sign up there.

Anyway, Good luck on your journey again!

I couldn't go online on 24/1/2013, Didn't make any money on 24 either, anyway..


Made 2 new autoblogs, twitterfeeded, added feeds and scheduled posts.

2 out of 5 autoblogs were accepted into infolinks and integrated.

Will try to add some other blogs to another ppv program.

Added some blogs to google analytics, some are receiving organic traffic from google.

Anyway, The earnings are:

Infolinks: $0.26

Total Earnings Today: $0.26
Great, keep it up, scale it up, keep us updated, work hard and I'm sure the moolah will start rolling in.
Exactly bro, keep the hard work and the earnings will keep rising. Sorry to hear that 3 out of 5 blogs weren't accepted on infolinks... What did they told you to reject them?

I keep an eye on your journal, it seems like a very interesting method to do money on autopilot and with little investment (time and money). Looking forward to see where is this going :)

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Thank you Xictus! Really appreciate it.
And as for the blogs for infolinks 3 weren't accepted by the quality assurance team, but that's not very important as the 5 blogs got accepted into another ppv program called dynamicoxygen, I will write about it now.
Also, thank you for keeping an eye on my journal! This gives me more motivation and I hope I will make some good money, at least just passive income.
Exactly bro, keep the hard work and the earnings will keep rising. Sorry to hear that 3 out of 5 blogs weren't accepted on infolinks... What did they told you to reject them?

I keep an eye on your journal, it seems like a very interesting method to do money on autopilot and with little investment (time and money). Looking forward to see where is this going :)

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Today was mostly a busy day didn't do much..

Made 2 new blogs, twitterfeeded, scheduled posts.

Added 5 blogs to a ppv program called DynamicOxygen and all were accepted. This should add more income soon when the blogs start receiving a good amount of visitors from search engines.

Moreover the article that had rank 70 for that weak keyword is now rank 61.

And that's pretty much it.

Earnings earned

Infolinks: $0.01
DynamicOxygen: $0.00

Total Earned today: $0.01

Guess need to wait till the blogs age a little bit.
First of all, I wish you the best of luck in your journey! I've been thinking about beginning a journey like yours for some time, but I want to be sure I have all the knowledge I need first (been studying this forum for 2 weeks now).

The thing is that I have some questions. They may look silly, but, once again, I'm practically a noob to all thi, so please excuse my lack of knowledge. Here I go:

1. What kind of content/articles do you submit to your blogs (included the automated ones)? Is it original content or do you spin them somehow first?
2. WHat are twitterfeeds and how I link them to my blogs? What I understand is that you created a dedicated Twitter page for each blog, linked it to the blog and let people follow you, right?
3. How do you add feeds to your blogs? This had been really bugging me for a while. From my understanding, I suppose they somehow bring you traffic right away. Also, how do you find specific feeds for each blog (depending on blog's niche)? Just using goodle, or there's a directory?
4. Beside Autoblog Samurai, do you use any other kind of software?
5. I understand that some of your blogs have already been indexed by Google. How old are they?

I hope you, or someone else, will find the time to answer at least some of my questions. :) I will be closely following your journey.

Once again, good luck!
is he okay? he still here with us or did he get banned