Is Amonetize reselling Installcapital?

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Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys can any one tell me is amonetize using Installcapital download links?

I have noticed Installcapital links in my amonetize account. May be its because amonetize installer is prone to many AV flags and frequent chrome blocks ?

let me know your comments please.
It's hard to tell who is using who, but as far i notice, installcapital have more options for stats and landing pages with same files as amonetize. Amonetize using landing page 4 from installcapital. You can actually change amonetize link at the end &lp=4 to 1, 2 or 3 and change landing page.
Two days ago installcapital was using installrex for couple of hours till they fix their file, same .rar file with same size couldn't be coincidence.

In my opinion all these networks are using some other installer, not there own i just wonder which one.
NO, installcapital is 100 % amonetize resellers :) but it is also fun that amonetize started to be installmonster reseller :D first you will download amonetize installer with their own offers from their direct advertisers, and when you will click next -> next -> installer is downloading another installer from installmonster affiliate program, it's easy to check via wireshark, they just downloading this second installer from official domains provided by installmonster/insterra
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