I'm new, Enlighten me.


Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
I'm new to black hat world. added my first tool a few days ago. now I want something back. tell me what are the must try out tools for free likes, tumblrs posts and whathaveya, I already know linkcollider. Give me more like link collider. or any other tool to inflate my backlinks or social signals. I've been doing white hat SEO for ages and never gotten results like these. Two days with you guys and I've learned so much so please give me give me give me. oh and dont forget my trusty tool fateria(period)con, is an url shortener, use it for all your evil spamming needs. strong server, doesnt crash. no spam filters or limits. so yea, give me more links like linkcollider or any social tool i might not know about. I'm ready for the dark side. :cool:
My suggestion for the tools to use is your eyes and brain. As the commercial said when I was young, RIF - Reading Is Fundamental.

There is not tool that's going to make you rich, same as no tool is going to make a business work. Tools only make what you're successfully doing manually faster. Figuring out WHAT to do manually is the trick and THEN figuring out what tools to use to make THAT faster. No one can tell you what will work for you. Everyone is different. Start reading in the Money Making section and continue until something strikes your interest.

At least, that would be my suggestion.

Welcome. Best advise spend time using the search for your problem before you post, there is a ton of information from previous posters that had the same question. After searching and still need more info then post your question in the right forum and there are tons on knowledgeable people here to help you.
Agreed with the above posters. One of the hallmarks of BH SEO and social media stuff is that no tool is perfect. You have to identify your needs 1st, then ask about the tools that might meet those needs (and we'll all be happy to point you in the right direction).
Create a website and improve it instead. There is no magic tool and no need to dive in all of them. You will find the best tool when you have really need for it. Patience and quality all the way.
Op, if people have the tool that can make money why would they share that with you instead of that they will make money themselves. Think! Its the method inside your brain that make money. Tools only help you to save your time as Said my OLDSalt.
Not quite, I already have a site with over 6 Mill Unique visitors per month, I'm seeking tools to improve what I'm already doing. i get a decent amount of likes and +1 using regular promotion methods. But recently I started using a tool i found here and i got amazing results. I figured I would ask for the best, cut to the chase. sort of speak. Plus I made My first Black hat tool and want to know how it measures up to some of the tools here, Fateria(period)con is the tool. Also learn from what people have already done to see how to improve it. Good advices. I tried out the link colider software of BHSEO and loved the result, so I wanted to know if there were other tools like that here. Oh yea, Feel free to try out all your spam bots on my URl shortener, Seing how you guys do it is teaching me alot about how it should go lol Fateria(period)con. Man how long is this link censoring gona keep going is so annoying.
Sound's like your at the top of the IM cliff .... back down. Too many people aimlessly buy tools expecting too much out of the tools and too little out of themselves. Fair warning, don't go on a tool frenzy.
My suggestion for the tools to use is your eyes and brain. As the commercial said when I was young, RIF - Reading Is Fundamental.

There is not tool that's going to make you rich, same as no tool is going to make a business work. Tools only make what you're successfully doing manually faster. Figuring out WHAT to do manually is the trick and THEN figuring out what tools to use to make THAT faster. No one can tell you what will work for you. Everyone is different. Start reading in the Money Making section and continue until something strikes your interest.

At least, that would be my suggestion.


Solid advice :) Tools only speed up what already worked. If you cannot make money manually, don't dream about using tools to make money. To be honest, tools will make lesser money than what you do manually because it's blind. The upside of tools is "the number game". You can make 10, tool will make 5 or less but 1000 times faster than you ;)
I dont know why but I find this very annoying "Two days with you guys and I've learned so much so please give me give me give me. "
Sorry my friend, I have a personality that is just not compatible for forums, Its a curse, I admit. that and I'm a girl, and from what I read a few forums ago, one of the few here. I'm also a Google Beta tester for all its worth. I want to go on a tool frenzy, thats the whole reason why I came. I write an SEO blog and want to see wish free Black hat tools actually can be used on white hat campaigns without any real consequences. I have ways of testing their effect on SEO almost instantly. well for google only. Bing and those other guys its a while new story. That and I'm developing a new Gray hat SEO site with a few tools fateria(period)con, it has an URL shortener, some SEO validation tools, a few auto submition bots and whathaveya. So I want to learn all I can and see prently of examples of what's already running, hens the Gime gime gime. Sorry if I sound too enthusiastic.
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