If you need inspiring words, don't do it


Power Member
Jan 26, 2019
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a quote by Elon Musk

I don't like to search for inspiring words to do something, BUT I need some advice about how to deal with laziness and what is the best routine for a successful people, and how to start this routine ... etc

... we're all know that our body (our genes) is made for just surviving (law of nature) ... eat - sleep - have sex ... eat - sleep - have sex ...

and this is why we feel lazy from time to time ... and we just like to spend time on watching movies or scrolling down on social media ... or just sleep ...

and also, this is why we do procrastination of our works each time .... and we don't like changes in our life ...

so let's make the question simple:

- How do you deal when you feel lazy ?
a quote by Elon Musk

so let's make the question simple:

- How do you deal when you feel lazy ?
I like to outsource everything and focus solely on what is important for me and what I like to do.
For example, I like to deal with clients, find new prospects, deliver the works and those kind of things, but I hate doing the actual work.
So I give them for people I pay.
You can do that if you procrastinate a lot for doing some specific tasks.
Think about what you want from life and then create a routine that will be conducive to meeting that objective. Start with the small things like waking up at a set time, making bed, eating healthy etc. it's very hard to move forward when you don't know where your going so first thing for me is having a plan but things don't always work out how you want them to so you have to adjust when necessary. Read self-help books e.g Think and Grow Rich :cool: