I have a question on this. I applied for cpx. hoping for a yes. one of my sites is getting 5000+ hits a day and growing. I am buying full page views in some cases (good quality traffic - us and canada mostly) and want to earn a $10 cpm between 2 or 3 different ad slots on the page (have a 468x60 top and a left side 100x240 slot available. can create more) . cubestat says my site is worth 11,000 so thats pretty good for a niche site with lots of features. google pr 5. i have the ability to buy 20,000 hits at a $5 cpm and want to sell at $10 cpm to make a $100 profit per day off of this site. (the goal is to build slowly to that mark from where i am - so google and everything else feels natural - no big leaps - this is a goal over 3 months - and continue to scale it from there). that would rule if i could do that. is there any other networks that are similar to cpx that would help me in my quest to get a $10 cpm?