Right now? Money is the most important thing in life.
My parents are assholes and hate me, so Family has never been very important to me. It still isn't. If I could escape the remaining family I do have for the rest of my life, I would die a very happy man.
I only really have 2 friends who are my true family, these are the only two things in life I would put ahead of MONEY. I would do anything for these two people.
Then I have a lot of just normal contacts I am just cool with.
But other than those two people, money is the most important thing in my life. And i'm a pretty dynamic person, so I need a lot of it to be happy. I'm talking in the millions. I would be utterly dissapointed with myself if i'm not a millionaire in the next 2-3 years.
Passion is the only thing that could become more important than money to me, but in order to cultivate my passions, money has to come first. So Money always takes precedent in this regard, does anyone else feel this way as well?
There is a great saying that resonates well with me.
When someone says something outrageous about money to me... I say something like this:
Guy 1: Money is the root of all evil!
Me: That kind of talk goes against my Religion.
Guy 1: Whats your religion?
Raz: I am a Millionaire.
Raz: That is my religion.

My parents are assholes and hate me, so Family has never been very important to me. It still isn't. If I could escape the remaining family I do have for the rest of my life, I would die a very happy man.
I only really have 2 friends who are my true family, these are the only two things in life I would put ahead of MONEY. I would do anything for these two people.
Then I have a lot of just normal contacts I am just cool with.
But other than those two people, money is the most important thing in my life. And i'm a pretty dynamic person, so I need a lot of it to be happy. I'm talking in the millions. I would be utterly dissapointed with myself if i'm not a millionaire in the next 2-3 years.
Passion is the only thing that could become more important than money to me, but in order to cultivate my passions, money has to come first. So Money always takes precedent in this regard, does anyone else feel this way as well?
There is a great saying that resonates well with me.
When someone says something outrageous about money to me... I say something like this:
Guy 1: Money is the root of all evil!
Me: That kind of talk goes against my Religion.
Guy 1: Whats your religion?
Raz: I am a Millionaire.
Raz: That is my religion.