How important is money to you?


Aug 23, 2010
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Right now? Money is the most important thing in life.

My parents are assholes and hate me, so Family has never been very important to me. It still isn't. If I could escape the remaining family I do have for the rest of my life, I would die a very happy man.

I only really have 2 friends who are my true family, these are the only two things in life I would put ahead of MONEY. I would do anything for these two people.

Then I have a lot of just normal contacts I am just cool with.

But other than those two people, money is the most important thing in my life. And i'm a pretty dynamic person, so I need a lot of it to be happy. I'm talking in the millions. I would be utterly dissapointed with myself if i'm not a millionaire in the next 2-3 years.

Passion is the only thing that could become more important than money to me, but in order to cultivate my passions, money has to come first. So Money always takes precedent in this regard, does anyone else feel this way as well?

There is a great saying that resonates well with me.

When someone says something outrageous about money to me... I say something like this:

Guy 1: Money is the root of all evil!

Me: That kind of talk goes against my Religion.

Guy 1: Whats your religion?

Raz: I am a Millionaire.

Raz: That is my religion.

Money, in and of itself, has no intrinsic value. It's just paper.

That being said, it is however, a means of exchange. In this world, you can't do much without it. It can buy you the freedom to do what you want and go where you want, whenever you want.

To me, making money is a game . . . and I play to win.

However, if you think about the things that have made you REALLY happy in your life, you will see that it is PEOPLE and EXPERIENCES that have made you the happiest - Not Money.

Cheers! - "Wiz"
I think that your life dysfunction is starting to bleed into your very existence. And your family life as messed up as it was/is should not become your life.
Money is a beautiful thing, but its the experiences and freedom it buys that makes it valuable.
Salary PER YEAR:

-$1 Poverty,hunger,have nothing, happiness but scrounging for change for cheap vodka.(some are happy with this)

+$10,000 girlfriend,friends,food,very mild happiness,apartment,car maybe,dirt weed.

+$100,000 cute girlfriend,better healthier food,BMW,BENZ,nicer home.more safety,good kush.

+1,000,000 trophy girlfriend(s) fine dining,even better food(extension of live expectancy),can change the weather(private jet) mansion,pool,Maybach,Phantom.better security. lol etc.

+1,000,000,000+ unlimited women. extended life expectancy based on the best food and living standards. jets, mansions blah blah,. beat MURDER CASES! CONTROL POLICY AND POLITICS, BASICALLY YOU GET WHATEVER YOU WANT AND WHEN.

basically poverty can kill you,having money you can get away with murder.
Free time to do what I want is much more important than money.

That being said, you can only have free time if you have lots of money.
"Money is the root of all evil" Is a miss quote from the bible What was actually written in that stunning peice of fiction was "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"
Wherever I wander in life I will always have all of them in varying quantities and flavors. Money, family, happiness, suffering, triumph or failure... is there anything new in this world that I have that others don't have?

Wizgizmo is right, it's just paper. It's also a measure of how we are doing in life but of course not the sole means of measure. The more money we have the more succesful we are, but having little does not mean failure either. Can it buy happiness? Yes of course it simply depends on how you use it. Remember that it can also buy you troubles.

If you have a ruined family life by no means allow it to ruin you. Life is like a rainbow, it has many colors and you can't have just one of them but you can choose which you like most. If it's money you like most so be it but learn to accept that the rest will always be a part of you.
haha I just hate it when people are like "money doesn't buy happines"....nigga please!
Money would not be important to me at all, if I didn't have to pay rent, buy food, pay insurance, pay for gas, etc. Don't really care about money, but it sure feels good when you know you have enough to buy food for the next month or two. Driving a car that is not older than 10 years is a pretty good feeling as well.
Not that important to me.
I could be happy just being a hobo and traveling the world.
Although I would like to make millions like the rest of them.
you need money to survive pretty simple, the more you bring in the better things will get...

But I would rather work with people I like and have a more chilled out work environment then work with people you hate and a job you hate Ild probably take a 15k pay drop.
i love my family above money, but money above my friends.
"In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." - Tony Montana

The world is a messed up place. Very few people are willing to help you in this world, and most that are, have problems of their own. I want to be able to look out for myself, my friends and my family. On top of that, I want to be a positive member to society and to go one step above that I want to provide for those less fortunate. I'd like to eventually be able to fund charities for third world countries focusing on agricultural development and/or distribution of vaccines we already have cures for.