How does John Chow make $500,000 from one blog?

He makes money by funneling internet marketing newbies to IM products and courses from his posts and also with his list. His readership is huge because he ranks for some popular terms and he also has some viral traffic that he was built upon.
John is a good friend of mine. He doesn't live in Richmond, he has a place in West Van (read:

You crazy virtual stalkers :P If you see him, just walk up to him and introduce yourself.

Or you can come hang out with the cool kids at Dot Com Pho ( (follow John's twitter for the details on location - he usually tweets it out Friday and we meet Saturdays at 12:30). Lots of internet business talk goes on - though most new people each week are noobs who want to make a fortune blogging about their cats. I can definitely use some stimulating conversation, so BHW members are very welcome.

Regarding how John makes money... it's fairly obvious. He's in a niche that has an endless number of new prospects (people who want to be rich/make some money online). There are a lot of make money blogs, but if you look closely at them you can see why certain blogs actually take off and are popular; the owners put themselves out there (video, pictures, personal blogging).

John has a camera with him all the time and records quick videos when he's at the park with his daughter, eating lunch, basically whenever he can. He explains how he makes money and builds trust with his readers by putting himself out there and being transparent. When you build trust it's a lot easier to sell someone something (like, say, an internet marketing course) *cough* *cough*
Its not only monitizing with ad and ebook but he even does JV for his email list and thats where lot of money are there
If I had the chance to meet someone who had success like him, I would certainly say him Hello =D I Know you ! Help me get money ! I'm from nigeria...

Nah, just kidding ;) But i would say him Hello at least :P
if he makes 500k-1M a year why does he live in a regular neighborhood and drive a toyota? Lambo's are only 150k at least get a benz or something.. i am not saying he doesn't really make 500k a year but theres probably 100,000 people who make more than him in his field.. John chow's methods could potentially make you some sort of income (if your lucky) but if you have a idea to make money online best thing to do is pursue it 100% no matter what it is instead of trying to find out who's making what make your own
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Not everyone feels the need to buy excessively priced things. Evidence shows buying a bunch of expensive items doesn't have much of an influence on your overall happiness. If you don't learn to be satisfied with what's really important in life, you're not going to be happy no matter what you get.

And I mean the guy is making money online. Some people are more comfortable online than offline. I find expensive cars nice to look at, but if I had the money, I'm not sure I'd drive one. I just don't like too much attention. Someone saying "nice car" would get old after the 50th time. Having to turn down 18 year old women and their offers for STD-riddled relations would put stress on my self-discipline and I need that for other things.

And I live in West Vancouver with my Dad. I grew up in decent middle class home, and I don't get money thrown at me here by any means. Quite frankly, the house I grew up in is significantly larger, as is the property. My parents in New Brunswick own two homes that priced together would probably not be worth half of the cost of the one now. It's all the land.

Most of the homes in the area here are of a moderate size and selling at around 1.1 million, I would say. That's not a poor neighborhood in my view. Making a million dollars a year doesn't get you a mansion with a pool and neighbors like Mike Tyson and Donald Trump. It's not a Hollywood movie. And how big a house does the guy need? Obviously, he's interested in more than money in his life. He likes what he's doing. The guy works "a lot" from what I remember reading, which is completely unnecessary given his expenses and income.

The neighborhood here is fairly nice, and West Vancouver is a large area. The homes I've seen near the beaches are technically in West Vancouver, I believe. I wouldn't be surprised if they are worth ten million or more. I'm sure the price is influenced by whether or not the binoculars have a view of the beach from the roof.
One of my family friends is a law consultant who pulls 400k a year in and he lives in a pretty modest house, I don\t know the actual value but i'd say it is under 300k easy. Granted he has an eye for nice furniture, this is the way to be financially successful in my books.
Chow makes way more than that from his blog.. He has many, many posts detailing how he makes every cent.

I don't understand how so many people don't know of his blog.
You guys are aware that he has 104,000 RSS subscribers and 56,000 twitter followers right? There are people with under 1,000 RSS subscribers who can sell paid plugs for $500 a pop in the same niche. 104x the RSS subscribers surely makes him a decent amount per paid plug. Not sure if he still does that many or not though.

I wouldn't doubt he makes $500k/year. The niche is full of people looking for hosting recommendations, looking for paid plug sites, adsense, kotera, ect. He has so many referrals on these sites alone. Consider his own advertisements such as the 125x125s and the paid plugs and banners and ebook and you have the makings of a half million annual income blog.
This reminds me of Steve Pavlina, his sites

He makes HUGE money with his blog and has been doing it for years. One thing I thought was interesting is he wrote an article awhile back about how he was making over $100k per month just off adsense alone, but quit using it just to give his readers a better website. Heres a post he wrote a few years ago about how to make money from your blog:

I think he makes most of his money off recommending products, I know he also does workshops now too.
luck & hard work i guess

Its not luck, nor hard work.

He does make 500,000$ from that blog, however it is from 2 hours of work a day and persistence. It also helps that he is an affiliate marketer before being a blogger, he makes like 65% of his money using awebber and getting people to opt in.
His blog has been suspend by google nearly a year and still survive.Could you?
The obvious answer here is to befriend him, find out if the claims are true,a nd if they are, make him WANT to teach you and become your mentor to his methods.

time to learn social dynamics my friend.
The obvious answer here is to befriend him, find out if the claims are true,a nd if they are, make him WANT to teach you and become your mentor to his methods.

time to learn social dynamics my friend.
I think his main virtue is that he is fully honest about how he is making this money. Rest is just consistent work.
I think it's a combination of extremely good SEO and good articles... could be doing blackhat methods too (all speculation) =)