Hottest niche tips / ideas for 2022?


Junior Member
May 2, 2021
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Hello to all BHW boys and girls reading this thread.

2021 and two-years lasting pandemic are slowly (yet still painfully) coming to an end. Do you have any tips on the hot topics that await us in 2022?

please give a topic and few words why you think the topic's gonna be relevant.

for me it's mobile houses, trailers etc.. Why? I think that pandemic has opened eyes of many corporate/office people – having more free time seems to be increasingly important and working boring 9-5 corporate job to pay mortgage and insurance isn't worth it anymore. people may give up on their dreams like having a big house, traditional family and go wild. What do you think?
The best niche it's the one where you have a lot related keywords to rank content on. The broader the niche, the better.
Tourism, Events, and Travel
Many people have not traveled for two years, and the trend is that 2022 will be a year of growth in travel, hotels, airline tickets, and vacation destinations.
working from home / service delivery / fintech - corona don't give me more drive to go out, more like - i'm safe in home, like wall-e, people won't come back to how it used to be, ai and big companies willing to make the prison really small, better place = you'r house