Hosting site: SEO advice needed


Apr 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hi there,

i just bought a 2-year old domain which only has 5% search engine traffic. The previous owner had no knowledge on SEO.

The website provides hosting service. Despite the fact that I am not from an English speaking country, still It is quite a competetive niche niche here, therefore it might be hard to appear in 1st SERP.

I would like you to suggest me what kind of plan should i choose. I am not used to using any black hat tools BUT i'll be buying ScrapeBoard soon.

I am willing to rank for term "hostingas" which is equal to "hosting" in english. This is the most targeted keyword in the niche.

The website which ranks 1st has PR4 with 32k backlinks. It's an old site (haven't checked the age yet, but can assume 5+ years).

I believe this topic will be helpful to many other people as well.

What should i do? How many backlinks should i farm daily? What kind of backlinks? How the number of backlinks i gain should increase?
Should i use ScrapeBoard and how?

;) Cheers!
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The best advice that i can give you is that you should hire someone to do your SEO... because: 1)your niche is quite competitive 2) SEO takes time and its hard to do it all by yourself, especially if you only have basic knowledge of SEO. Your options : 1) Try to do it yourself using this forum( READ READ and READ again :D you cant go wrong the forum is a gold mine) and by using the SEO services provided here like .edu/.gov backlinks, linkpushing etc... the services are great here you cant go wrong :D. and 2) Hire someone with experience to do SEO for you.
Well i have SEO experience. And i managed to put my site to the top of SERPs in even more competetive niche last year (but it took like 9 months for me to get ranked 2nd). The thing is i have no black hat SEO experience and i would like to hear your suggestions
Go to services for sale :D you`ll find everything you need there :D from xrumer blasts to .edu/.gov backlinks, linkpushing everything you need.
go for low competitvie kw's / long tail, then work your way up is what id do.
Yeah... But what i should blast with scrapeboard?
My hosting site? Or other sites/blogs that have backlinks to my hosting site?