[Help] Low conversion rate on adult dating


Jan 12, 2019
Reaction score
I'm doing adult dating CPA for a while , and I got a horrible conversion rate 1:81
I'm using porn re-upload method, I added intro, outro, and watermark to my videos
But still got a low conversion rate
Can you give me some advice please ?
Also how to Geo location in porn re-upload method ?
Apologize for my bad English
Is it PPL or PPS offer?
In PPL offers, like pin submit, mail submit, doi, soi offers, and if offer rate is low then average conversion rate is 1 : 10. if offer rate is high, then 1:20/1:30
It's smartlink PPL offers , so I think there is variety of offers
Sorry I don't understand. Is it 1:81 HITS are converting? Or 1:81 free signups are converting to paid?
You cannot control tube sites traffic but you can block tier 2, tier 3 visitors by using landing page. Another trick target tier 1 users is using their countries language in the title, description.
Then it is low.
Did u try with ur own landing page?
Not yet , since I've got 0 experience in creating website, thanks for the advice btw , I'll try to make one now
Sorry I don't understand. Is it 1:81 HITS are converting? Or 1:81 free signups are converting to paid?
No , it's ppl , there is only1 signup : 81 clicks
Your traffic is propably from tier3 countries.
30-50% tier 1
You cannot control tube sites traffic but you can block tier 2, tier 3 visitors by using landing page. Another trick target tier 1 users is using their countries language in the title, description.
Thanks for the advice ! But can I know why I need to block the tier 2 , 3 visitors ? Not meaning aggressive , sorry for my bad english
Not yet , since I've got 0 experience in creating website, thanks for the advice btw , I'll try to make one now

No , it's ppl , there is only1 signup : 81 clicks

30-50% tier 1

Thanks for the advice ! But can I know why I need to block the tier 2 , 3 visitors ? Not meaning aggressive , sorry for my bad english
Because they will not spend shit. When I first started promoting chaturbate I was super happy with 30-40 regs a day but now I found that the number of regs does not mean anything. Quality is the most important. If you just send traffic to ppl offers then you dont need to block them but I personally block all tier 2, tier 3 visitors on my site.
Because they will not spend shit. When I first started promoting chaturbate I was super happy with 30-40 regs a day but now I found that the number of regs does not mean anything. Quality is the most important. If you just send traffic to ppl offers then you dont need to block them but I personally block all tier 2, tier 3 visitors on my site.
Yeah I agree with that, all my conversions are come from US, the tier 2-3 visitors will not even type in their email to do the auth. Btw I have seen most of your posts before, I appreciate that you're successful now, may I know that did you use prelander or landing page on chaturbate ? If yes , did landing page brings you a big difference in getting more leads/conversions ?
Probably your affiliate network shaves you! Try to find other trustworthy affiliate networks. Also, you can try to change an offer to compare your conversion rate. The best option is to find the same offer with another network and try it there
No , it's ppl , there is only1 signup : 81 clicks

I send like 40,000 clicks and don't get 1 sign-up sometimes. I didn't know 1 signup for 81 clicks was bad. I am just sending direct to the affiliate sites and not to a pre-landing page though. 1:10 signups seems really insane to me.
I send like 40,000 clicks and don't get 1 sign-up sometimes. I didn't know 1 signup for 81 clicks was bad. I am just sending direct to the affiliate sites and not to a pre-landing page though. 1:10 signups seems really insane to me.
I think it's bot traffic, There's no way 40,000 clicks but no one register.
Probably your affiliate network shaves you! Try to find other trustworthy affiliate networks. Also, you can try to change an offer to compare your conversion rate. The best option is to find the same offer with another network and try it there
I'm using los pollos , I think they're pretty reputable , but I don't know , maybe
I send like 40,000 clicks and don't get 1 sign-up sometimes. I didn't know 1 signup for 81 clicks was bad. I am just sending direct to the affiliate sites and not to a pre-landing page though. 1:10 signups seems really insane to me.
You're doing porn reupload too ?
I send like 40,000 clicks and don't get 1 sign-up sometimes. I didn't know 1 signup for 81 clicks was bad. I am just sending direct to the affiliate sites and not to a pre-landing page though. 1:10 signups seems really insane to me.

I usually get 1:8 with smartlinks and a prelander. 40,000 clicks and no sign up? Hell no. That's like leaving a couple grand on the table.
I think it's bot traffic, There's no way 40,000 clicks but no one register.

I guess lots of it is bot traffic, but even still, I think I am sending 1,000+ real visitors sometimes and getting not even free signups. I used to get 1:100 doing the same methods I am doing today many years ago, but recently, no luck.
same here on los pollos. got 0 convertion from 101 clicks. no pre landing page