Free Trials vs Explainer Video

Scrapebox dosn't provide any trials because their lifetime updates price is way lower than any other software in the market when we compare the tasks we can do with scrapebox.
Jarvee was giving 1 month free trial in the initial stage and when i requested to extend they extended for 15 days with a single request email. Now its not the same case with Jarvee.

So its all about gaining initial clients.
Make them you loyal clients. They got to be satisfied better than they expected.
The word will spread out automatically

After that it doesnt matter if its about free trial or Explainer videos because there are already enough people who used it can vouch for the product and most probably there will be little communities to discuss and solve anything before purchase.

Direct Answer
  • Intial stage i prefer Free Trial + Explainer Videos both
  • If only 1 thing possible i prefer Free Trial
