Finally trying CPA networks on my blog

Tom Cruz

Dec 10, 2015
Reaction score
Hey everyone! I have been reading about making money with CPA networks and tried to give it a shot. I have a blog which gets most of its traffic from India, US and UK. A couple of days ago I locked the download links on my blog with CPAGrip surveys and here are the all time stats

83 views, 22 clicks, 1 lead, $1.03 revenue.

I get 100% of my traffic from Google and I was expecting more leads. How can I convert clicks to more leads? Any help or tips would be appreciated. I'm new to CPA stuff :). Thanks in advance!
Try being a little more transparent. What's your niche, how many visitors a say do you get, what is your monetization strategy, do you content lock? Etc..
You need more traffic. with 22 clicks, you can't say much about the network.

Your CR highly depends on your niches and landing pages. I would advise you to tweak your landing page as well as your content.
Enable the offers only with High NET EPC, NET CR and performance, disable the remaining offers.
Work with different offer and stick with offer which converts more.
That data doesn't look too bad.

Either change the network or traffic volume to determine what variable appears to seap through.

Site layout / quality would enable your rates to outperform where you are right now, if it isn't as graded as you'd expect.
For some reason, I felt my blog reader's didn't like CPA surveys and I was right because my traffic went down a bit. Depends on your niche, my blogs give me good results with affiliate programs.
Hey OP, what's your blog about ? I used to work my blog + CPA too w/ YT not Google.
I'm interested to go into the CPA world again, but now YT is dead for CPA.
How do you get traffic from Google? How old is/are your Blog(s) ?