Few tips about White Hat Seo

Apr 24, 2014
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You know SEO is not a rocket science, its just a simple and easy way to rank your website in search engine. First of all content of your website should be of high quality and unique. If you want to rank your website in search engine you should need to update your content atleast once in a month or once in a 3 months. Secondly choose long tail keywords, and make sure your presence at social media specially on facebook, twitter and most importantly on Google+. Build high quality links and avoid spam.
Sounds pretty simple,also do not forget to track your rankings, traffic sources and get in touch with your customers/visitors.
Absolutely Brilliant Post! And here I thought SEO was just a bunch of quackery? Or was that Chiropractor(y)?

You know SEO is not a rocket science, its just a simple and easy way to rank your website in search engine. First of all content of your website should be of high quality and unique. If you want to rank your website in search engine you should need to update your content atleast once in a month or once in a 3 months. Secondly choose long tail keywords, and make sure your presence at social media specially on facebook, twitter and most importantly on Google+. Build high quality links and avoid spam.

"If you want to rank your website in search engine you should need to update your content atleast once in a month or once in a 3 months." <---- LOL'd so hard.

Honestly, I am not trolling just the OP gave me a good laugh.

- EMP1R3
I crown you Sir Chiropracticdoctor, CEO of Marketing, Guru of Knowledge.

May we all bow down before your unmeasurable greatness.
Oh, I thought SEO was... [INSERT FUNNY SNARK HERE]....

ugh... just shoot me please...
You have write only one simple paragraph, Which is better then a long and long stories which other users post in their thread.

I will draft your valuable post in my email and will go through with this while doing SEO for my site..
You know SEO is not a rocket science, its just a simple and easy way to rank your website in search engine. First of all content of your website should be of high quality and unique. If you want to rank your website in search engine you should need to update your content atleast once in a month or once in a 3 months. Secondly choose long tail keywords, and make sure your presence at social media specially on facebook, twitter and most importantly on Google+. Build high quality links and avoid spam.

Well Damn..I was doing it ALL wrong.
You should sell this info as a WSO
You know SEO is not a rocket science, its just a simple and easy way to rank your website in search engine. First of all content of your website should be of high quality and unique. If you want to rank your website in search engine you should need to update your content atleast once in a month or once in a 3 months. Secondly choose long tail keywords, and make sure your presence at social media specially on facebook, twitter and most importantly on Google+. Build high quality links and avoid spam.

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