Fake and False "FREE..." to grab visitors?


Regular Member
Jan 20, 2014
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Hey, I was wondering if running a free promotion such as a Free travel destination or a free i-Pad would be a good way to collect emails & site traffic/interest.

On my site:
I'd put an image in the side bar , free whatever, then you click on it to take to a page that has some images, write up, have it all legitified (Lol please don't hunt me for that term.), then collect their email.

small write up/mention it, then drop a link to the offer that has an email collection box.

I'd probably announce a fake new winner lol unless I somehow managed to pull in enough to afford something like that. Then I'd declre myself the winner and go enjoy my free whatever.

half baked idea, good idea, or no you'll be assassinated idea.
It would be better to give away something believable like a free e-book or coupon. Free travel or ipad is too much. It will make a lot of bullshit sensors tingling.

I'd probably announce a fake new winner lol unless I somehow managed to pull in enough to afford something like that. Then I'd declre myself the winner and go enjoy my free whatever.

Why do this? This isn't blackhat. You're just being a douchebag and a cheat. Give your readers some value.
True, but it would be like a raffle. I feel like nobody cares about a free e-book. It doesn't have that Click Here vibe imo but that's just me. Not saying I won't also try that.
I can see it working. Air travel not so much. The iPad makes sense to me, because that's much more believable. I can't think of anything less and would still get the amount of sign-ups though.
Even when you make a " fake giveaway " it will again be hard to gain traffic to that giveaway link because people actually researched all the methods and grab all the traffic :)
The emails you're gathering will be woefully untargeted - your open rate when you start sending out email blasts will be very low.

This is where ebooks make more sense - if they're signing up to your "make money online" ebook, they're interested in making money online. They're therefore much more likely to open your "make money online" email blast and offers.
The emails you're gathering will be woefully untargeted - your open rate when you start sending out email blasts will be very low.

This is where ebooks make more sense - if they're signing up to your "make money online" ebook, they're interested in making money online. They're therefore much more likely to open your "make money online" email blast and offers.

not necessarily, because they're still interested in getting that "whatever". But I see what you're saying. Of course, keep it relevant to the niche. Which was the plan. I'm going to try it when I'm getting atleast 15 UV /day.