facebook went down, spend over 15K on advertising

May 3, 2014
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Hi all, im new to this website, but i have read allot of posts regarding fb/paypal/ebay etc.

i had a facebook page with over 50K likes on it, i have spend over solid $15,000k with facebook advertising in less than 5 month period

few weeks ago my account & all the admins account have been disabled & the page went down, for reason; a third party had reported me for selling their brand items

i called facebook advertising team, they said they will get back to me, they never did nor did they reply to my emails, there's very little support.

my questions are;
does anyone know someone personally who works for facebook? & if you do, could they do anything to get the page back?
can i get a refund from my bank for the fees i paid to facebook advertising?
what are my options? how can i get my page or refund back, i tried every way to contact facebook

Another thing, every time i try to create a new page/account it will only last few days or 1 week, it will then say suspended payment method, or account disabled. So it gives me very little options to even open a legitimate business,

when i log into my account i get;
Why Your Content Was Removed

We've removed or disabled access to content that you posted to Facebook for at least one of the following reasons:

  • We received a report from a third party that the content you posted infringes or otherwise violates their rights
  • You managed a Page representing a company, organization or other entity that we have reason to believe you are not authorized to represent
If your account was also disabled, possible reasons include but are not restricted to:

  • Repeated infringing or violating behavior after receiving one or more warnings from Facebook.
  • Alleged trademark infringement.
  • Impersonation of an entity.
  • Misrepresentation of identity: Facebook Timelines are meant to represent a single individual. Groups, clubs, businesses and other types of organizations are not permitted to maintain Timelines.
Facebook is not in a position to adjudicate disputes between third parties. If you believe these reports are not being made in good faith or are inaccurate, we suggest you or your legal counsel contact the complaining party to discuss this further.

how does facebook automatically know its me? i use different email, name?

The reasons could be, facebook detecting your ip which i believe, or may be you are trying to do something wrong, like using same type of payment method, or may be their cookies are detecting you.
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You said that you promoted branded items. Maybe you violate it.

Make sure to read FB ad guideliness.
You managed a Page representing a company, organization or other entity that we have reason to believe you are not authorized to represent

Make sure when you make the page you select no for the following question

"Will *Your Page Name* be the authorized and official representation of this business, product or brand on Facebook?"

Maybe that caused your problem
Find out if you actually did violate fb's guidelines. If not, then I would be as persistent as possible, and hire a lawyer last case scenario.

Good luck dude. I lost 1k once and it f@$@&n sucked...
Did you pause your campaign or cancel it when it was in queue for approval? That's how I got flagged and banned.
a third party might reported your page..are you sure you don't violated anything?
This seems a bit fishy. How do Facebook separate a genuine complaint from a jealous competitor?
can i get a refund from my bank for the fees i paid to facebook advertising?

You can make credit card chargebacks for up to 6 months AFAIK. But I don't think Facebook would allow for this with their complicated terms and conditions as you agreed for them to charge your card/bank account in the first place.

what are my options?

Call Facebook advertising and tell them that you want to spend a lot of money on ads. Then tell them that your other account that you were advertising has been disabled unknowingly and the fault is not yours. Just act like you don't know anything and that you want to spend a lot of money with them. They will restore the account.

Another thing, every time i try to create a new page/account it will only last few days or 1 week, it will then say suspended payment method, or account disabled. So it gives me very little options to even open a legitimate business,

Clear you cache and cookies, use a softwre like CCleaner. Create the new account from a new User account on Mac/Windows.
Don't repeat your credit card or your name on the new account.
Calling Facebook support will help
and remember to call them multiple times as you will be talking to different people and someone would understand your pain
Best of luck mate and sorry to know this happened to you
I think Facebook will be of little help to your cause.

From what it looks like so far, FB already sided with the third-party.

Best advice I can give you is never build anything big & long-term with Facebook.
Call them again and again ? Ask for urgent solution, Try to be a little bit angry on phone nd tell thm u will no longer be interested in advertising in future , if u dont get your problem resolved.
Call them again and again ? Ask for urgent solution, Try to be a little bit angry on phone nd tell thm u will no longer be interested in advertising in future , if u dont get your problem resolved.

won't help a lot. If they have disabled the page and have finished the investigation on the violations. I guess nothing is going to reverse their decision.
i had same thing happened to me. i lost $2.5k in fanpage advertising and my page was removed, they are the boss and they can do whatever they want. Sometime we cant do anything against fb
Fb can detect you ip or mac adresse try to change them