Facebook Banned 20 accounts

great info im finding here. i agree with aged accounts being a pain in the butt
great info im finding here. i agree with aged accounts being a pain in the butt
It's a shame that most sellers know this. "Aged" just sounds more prestige, so it gives them a "reason" to charge you more. Gradually aging a fresh account, yourself, is the best way to ensure your account stays active.
What i noticed is after i share my link in like 4-6 groups it bumps out and asks me for id verify.. is it possible that my url is somehow blacklisted and facebook is actually banning accounts which share my url after 4-6 times?
your ip is banned baby, just changed everything and Go slow, i have Same problem excatly as you
rinmaster- for making money ;)
thats a reason.
explain me as i never worked with proxy and facebook?
are those proxy live for always or what?
if i want to log in new accounts should i change proxy each time? please clarifiy me
Hi guys today facebook blocked/banned 20 of my pva account and is asking for photo id.. All accounts were for sharing puroposes and some of the were 3-6months old so i am just wondering if any of you recently noticed that facebook changed his algorythm and are your accounts still alive?

Best regards
Google has just updated the new version, Your account has been scanned and banned. You need an alternative account to spend more money. My account has spent more than $100.000 and still survived the recent update. Contact me for furthur help.

I have some FACEBOOK ADS account and Google account for rent that.

Very appropriate for businesses who want to run facebook ads with high daily budget.

Now there are not many units owned Business account (2000 sub accounts). And We are a reputable agent with facebook and google, has been in service for many units effectively.

Advantages of business FB accounts:

- Processing time faster, less prone to ad approval

- Reach is higher than the personal accounts

- Spend $5000/day, unlimited money in total

Contact with me on my skype: kylie jayce

I have like six fb pva accounts. Like 3 months old accounts, i share 2 post by day in 23 groups. And still i don't receive the id verification.