Facebook Apps 2.0 Update


Junior Member
Sep 28, 2012
Reaction score
Any apps made after April 30 require written permission from facebook to get user permissions.

" If you're asking for more than public_profile, email and user_friends your app must be reviewed by Facebook before anyone other than the developers of the app can use it. Please have a look at our documentation for login review for more information. "

So i guess people working with apps are totally fucked :) . Another facebook update to almost kill spam apps and shit.
well this sucks, actually working on something at the moment :)
Seriously man, was working with apps from last 2 yrs and now i think i dont have anything to do . I am so fucked right now.
Who cares. Apps died a long time ago, and I don't know why people still use App marketing methods when there are better ones out there.
Who cares. Apps died a long time ago, and I don't know why people still use App marketing methods when there are better ones out there.

Apps were never dead bro, you just need to know, how to make them work. In 2013 i banked alot with apps whole year. 2014 went low, but now i think its over. They fucked up pages and now apps too.
Those who has already made some money don't need to worry again..
gotta find how to grab tokens from other apps :P ( skype for example )
So it means the death of all these spammy facebook apps? Some people were banking hard with FB apps.
It helps to read.
This changes can be avoided until april 30th 2015. that is one full year before anyone having to submit for reviews.

  • Version 1.0, which is what we call the API as it existed the day before v2.0 was launched. We'll support v1.0 for one year and it will expire on April 30th, 2015.

Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading
It helps to read.
This changes can be avoided until april 30th 2015. that is one full year before anyone having to submit for reviews.

  • Version 1.0, which is what we call the API as it existed the day before v2.0 was launched. We'll support v1.0 for one year and it will expire on April 30th, 2015.

Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/upgrading

Version 1.0 works for only Apps made before 30th April 2014 . Did you read the 1st post 1st line bro ? :P . So Apps made after 30th April 2014 will have Version 2.0 :) .
Version 1.0 works for only Apps made before 30th April 2014 . Did you read the 1st post 1st line bro ? :P . So Apps made after 30th April 2014 will have Version 2.0 :) .

Now I am not a programmer, so I don't know exactly if what I am saying is true, but I believe for the next year there is still the option of "redirecting" your app to version 1.0 by using JavaScript SDK. In the script you can find the following:

          appId      : '{your-app-id}',
          xfbml      : true,
          version    : 'v2.0'         

This means that you can also choose v1.0 instead, right? Also, this is what I understand from the following as well:

With the launch of v2.0 of the API, we have two versions in service at the same time:


You can choose which version of the API you want to use by:

  • Initializing the JavaScript SDK with the version you want to use and then making calls through FB.api(), which will automatically route API calls to the versioned endpoint you choose.

So as far as I can read above, you can still choose the version you want to use, by making a call through a specific API, for the next year.

Can somebody confirm this to me?
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sadakxp i think you are wrong here, its not just API which got updated to 2.0 , did you see the Apps panel ? public_profile, email and user_friends are the default permissions you can ask users, but if you want any other permission for your apps, that app need to be reviewed by facebook. So its not possible that be get our spam app reviewed and get approved. Its not just about Graph API & FQL update. Its about permissions too.