The problem here is that in tutorials , people just say shit like :
-Do your keyword research
-Find the best keywords with no competition
Ironically, it took me two years to learn of keyword research when I started. That information is gold, albeit basic and fairly well-known now. Keyword research is so dead-easy with tools like KWFinder that this information alone can make you a lot of money if you take the time to learn it and write the content. There are tons of resources to learn how to execute proper keyword research, so don't be upset that someone doesn't lay out a 10,000 word post on how to research keywords.
Are there a bunch of tools running around posing as experts with this type of basic advice? Yep! That part sucks, but those people are pretty easy to identify. The unsexy truth of this business is that the bulk of the money people make come from very fundamental things. Mine certainly does. Sure, there are some clever methods, but most of it boils down to this:
- Make good content.
- Put appealing offer inside good content.
- Get people to your good content. [This is where black hat and white hat comes in]
- People click on offer.
- ...
- Profit.
and then they show you their salary to "hype" you.
The truth is that the majority of tutorials here are 90 % bullshit , sure , there're 5 to 10 % max of good tutorials and that's what people should look for and use.
I can understand some of your frustrations. There are a lot of salesmen on here. I also see a lot of great information. I think your frustration stems from the fact that a lot of detail is left out. I don't think 90% is bullshit, I imagine a much smaller percentage is bullshit, and the balance just lacks the detail you want. This is one of my pet peeves with newbies:
they want a sure thing. I can't count the number of "
is this safe?" or "
how can I make a guaranteed $100/month?" threads I see.
Someone could provide a step-by-step method to how they made $1k/month and you might not experience anywhere near the same success. That's because:
- Niches are different.
- Your link building or content writing skills are different.
- You targeted the wrong audience with the wrong offer.
- You chose the wrong social platform to pimp your content.
- They used paid ads, and you didn't want to spend any money.
- There are a ton of variables.
In addition to that: if you worked in an obscure business,
would you willingly hand another competitor your entire playbook? Sure, you might be willing to mentor someone new to the game, but you certainly wouldn't hand them all of the secrets you spent
years learning. I say "competitors" because while we're all friendly on here, we're all competing for spot #1 on Google. You know there has to be some keyword overlap between members on here.
Not to mention the fact how many people will half-ass their attempt at your method, then rip on your method for "sucking." An intelligent saying springs to mind when I see this situation occur:
“Do not cast your pearls before swine,”
Getting to your last point:
With that said , can you show your monthly income ? (I'm also working hard for 30 $ / month , shieeet)
I will point out the irony that you rip on people for "showing their salary to 'hype' you", but then request I show my income. Not being a dick here, just wanted to point out that you're requesting the distraction that people use to distract you.
Considering this is the second request I've had in this thread, and I imagine it may become a recurring theme, I'll oblige (tagging
@shephard since I s/he also requested this info). I won't show my entire income because it would take way more screenshots than I care to take the time to make and censor (and quite honestly, it's no ones business but my own). I get paid into a lot of accounts and from a lot of different sources. This is from one of my PayPal accounts.
Now, stop being distracted and get to work. I hope I've helped in some way.