It all depends on what your competitors are doing.
If you use the KGR (Keyword Golden Ratio) method to end up with roughly the same mix of keywords as your competitors, then you're really not going to gain much of an advantage.
If you're using the KGR method to focus on less saturated and easier to rank keywords, you can still bank using this keyword research technique.
But at the end of the day, it's all about search intent.
It's one thing to find the right keywords that rank quickly.
But if you don't handle them properly, you go back to square one.
What I mean by that is if the content that you produce for your easier-to-rank keywords doesn't deliver much value as far as the end-user is concerned, then Google will eventually know.
Remember, beginning with Google's RankBrain Algorithm update, Google is paying attention to user experience.
If it turns out that most of the people that find your content on Google search results click the back button, Google will eventually demote your rankings.
That's how it works.
So focus primarily on search intent instead of looking for a magical set of keywords that will ensure your success.
I'm sorry to be the one to report this, but no such set of keywords exists.
You still have to produce value.
There's no getting away from this.