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Dispute: @Iborra32 v. @dotMotion

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Registered Member
Mar 3, 2023
Reaction score
I'm writing this thread to open a dispute against @dotMotion, I bought a Paypal business account from this seller 3 days ago, after he failed to deliver the acount 2 times due his inability to deliver recovery gmail's code once and second due to proxy failure, i asked for a refund since he was unable to deliver he told me that he does not do refunds (which contradicts with what he told me before i send him the money).

Yesterday night he was able to fix the problem with the proxy but he didn't provide me with the recovery emails code (again), but this was not the only problem when i entered the Paypal account it was different from what he told me at the beginning, saying that his account was bank verified with transaction history, which is not the case, the account has no transaction history and the account is not bank verified, I've contacted the seller to speak about this issues, but he does not answer since yesterday.

i don't want to get into other details of why the seller took 3 days to deliver an account since the seller told me that he was "sick" or his PC is "Off" and he can't fix the issue now.

i've attached down bellow all infos required for this thread,

the goal of this thread is to to get the money back, because the service was not as described.

  • Proof that the business transaction began on BHW. A link to the conversation or post will suffice: this seller has been advertising his services by replying to posts on WTB section here.
  • Screenshot 2023-05-16 115734.png
  • Screenshot proof that you informed the other party of your intention to open a dispute against them 48 hours beforehand :Screenshot 2023-05-16 120255.png
  • paypal account features describe by the seller : Screenshot 2023-05-16 120652.png
  • proof that this seller provides refunds (since he denies it) :Screenshot 2023-05-16 121002.png
  • the seller deleted this message proof after I showed him evidence that he actually provide refunds:Screenshot 2023-05-16 121247.png
Dispute Request Approved
Information For The Accused
@dotMotion - you have 24 hours to respond to this disputes thread. If you do not respond within 24 hours or we note that you're engaging in any other activities on the forum rather than dealing with this dispute, the decision will be made in favour of the dispute starter and you will be permanently banned from Black Hat World. In the event that you're permanently banned from the forum, you may send in a support ticket using our support channel only once you've refunded and/or provided what the plaintiff has requested.

If your responses to this dispute do not remain prompt, your account will be banned.

Information For The Accused & The Dispute Starter
Please remain professional as name calling, insults, griping, tu quoque, and ad hominem will not be tolerated. Should the dispute starter resort to this, the dispute will be forfeit; and if the accused resorts to this, the dispute will automatically be in the dispute starter's favour.

The moderator mediating this dispute is simply trying to fair a resolution to this dispute. Any mod abuse or accusations (e.g., "you're biased", "you're protecting scammers", etc) directed toward the moderator will not be tolerated and may result in an infraction for mod abuse.

Information For Other Members
If anyone else has the same issue with the accused, you may respond so long as you supply evidence in the form of screenshots, videos, etc.

Please bear in mind Dispute Resoltion section rule #4 before responding.

"If you are not directly related to the situation, or are not offering information directly related to the situation: do not post in the thread. Anyone caught doing so will receive an infraction and be reply banned from posting in the thread."
Firstly, we provided him (client - mark Ruff , who opened the dispute against us) a verified PayPal Business account as per his requirement. And then he had trouble using the account that we gave him and at the end he spoiled the account. According to our policy, we replaced the account with another one and informed him that we wouldn't be responsible if he couldn't use it perfectly. We only can give him guidance. We gave him a fully verified account, and our previous customers had no complaints. This was the first time he had an issue. So we gave him a second account. But he didn't like the Gmail ID associated with it and refused to take it. Then he put pressure on us, demanding a change of account within one hour.

So, we gave him a third account. He also wanted us to set up his account using AnyDesk, but that's out of our service. Despite that, we agreed to his request and set everything up through AnyDesk. The third account was fully verified but didn’t have any transactions. But at that time as we had no any stock account as we gave 3 accounts. That’s why we said please give us some time. We will do a few transaction in your account. He didn’t agree with us anyhow. He claimed we didn't meet his requirements and decided not to take the account. He even threatened us and scolded us. We didn't take it negatively, as a client he has the right to express. Even though we spent two days trying to fulfill his requirement & make him satisfied. The information I provided here all are authentic and cannot be denied who opened the dispute against us.

I hope BHW will consider the matter and take action on the allegations made against us.



Proof-2: Order Delivery




Proof-4: We talked on phone call.




Proof-6: Helping him with AnyDesk

The claims of Mr John are absolutely not accurate and didn't answer the reasons why i opened this discussion, first it's not ethical to not answer a customer for more than 6 days, especially when the proxy you provided no longer works, second is that i opened this dispute because the account do not have any transaction history and not bank verified, and you never ever told me that you will bank verify it or you will do some transaction in it because how can you give me a Paypal account and you will make changes on it later ? That doesn't make sense, as you have seen in the screenshots i provided, he didn't even answer when i mentioned this problem, for the first account he told i spoiled the account which is not true at all, i didn't even access the account since the password was false, i asked him for help in anydesk, and he couldn't access it himself, he provided another one, but i was scheptical since the Gmail of this PayPal account was : [email protected] and i couldn't accept such an email because it seems that this account is just rubbish.
Another point that he claims that he provided a third account, which is not true, he only came back to the first account that he couldn't access, changed the password and he gave it to me, when i saw what is in this account it was empty with no transactions and not bank verified.
The fact that he deleted the refund message from the discussion on telegram tells clearly that the seller was not honest since the beginning.
Brother now what you want? Let's do not go far here who is right or wrong. I apologize for your dissatisfaction with our service. It would be better if you give us one more chance or you can take refund if you want.
Brother now what you want? Let's do not go far here who is right or wrong. I apologize for your dissatisfaction with our service. It would be better if you give us one more chance or you can take refund if you want.
Refund them and do not sell those on this forum anymore as you are violating laws with what you offer.
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