Discovered, not indexed on climate change article


Aug 10, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all – long-time lurker, first time poster. Don't know if this will help/interest anyone here but I found it notable.

I run an old site that gets decent but dwindling traffic. And it's not due to any recent Google weirdness. This site dates back 20 years, and traffic started dipping and capping maybe five years ago. It's basically a hobby site to me so I didn't think much of it.

Anyway, currently Google has indexed 100k+ pages, and in the past this was around a million. It's a community and e-commerce site, but the blog covering the niche gets a good chunk of the traffic.

Every single article (until now) on the blog was indexed and gets, or had gotten, decent traffic. A post I wrote on people expressing their views on climate change? Discovered, not indexed. I'd guess that's because it's on controversial topic, but the article itself takes the mainstream view. It's been up for ten days. Other articles got indexed within a day or so, some within hours.

This feeds into my thoughts on the site in general – that the middling traffic these days (starting years before the recent Google shitshow) is because they don't trust it for some reason. It's 100% white hat, 65 DR (I know, not totally meaningful), 113K backlinks, ~5K domain backlinks.

I have no idea why it's getting such low traffic these days, but this climate change article gives me a clue. Google is on the fence with my site. Has anyone experienced anything similar?

Anyway thanks for letting me rant (: