Can you Provide and Guarantee me #1 on Google?


Registered Member
Mar 15, 2012
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I am looking for someone that can Guarantee me the #1 Spot on Google, Bing and Yahoo for the keywords and urls I provide. There are many wonderful services here on BHW but I am looking for someone that will really put it all out there and guarantee the #1 spot. I am looking for long term service and consistent #1 position. I have a provider in mind if no one else can beat their offer but I am always interested to see what others have in mind. If you are interested send me a PM and I can give you more details about the site and we can discuss terms. Only inquiries from reputable BHW members please. If you joined 2 days ago and have 1 post don't bother because you are just wasting your time and mine.

I'm looking for #1 position not just 1st page.

Thank you!!
Guaranteeing a #1 spot is based on soooooooooooo many factors i would just PM the details to a bunch of service providers in your price range and choose based on the quality of their responses.
Guaranteeing a #1 spot is based on soooooooooooo many factors i would just PM the details to a bunch of service providers in your price range and choose based on the quality of their responses.

Yes it is. Which is the reason I just posted the thread. A lot of providers will not be interested in it at all so I am not going to waste their time where they have to read a PM they are not even interested in. This way only the providers that would even want to find out more information about the service I need will respond. It is really much easier on both our ends this way.

Thank you though.
Please let us know if you find such a service or a person that guarantees #1 spot on Google. That would be very interesting to see :)

I know right. Tons of services offer getting you to 1st page and a lot show where that got a client to #1 but I would love to see someone really put it all on the line and Guarantee #1. Trust me if any comes forward and provides it I'm sure they wouldn't mind me sharing as it would probably lead everyone on BHW purchasing their service. They would be on :flame:
Only google can guarantee you the spot #1
Nobody know googles algorithm therefore can not guarantee anything.
If somebody guarantee you something like that then he is liar or want to scam you. :)

I agree with you all 99.99999% and to be honest I really doubt anyone will PM me about the details.

Here is a question though......How many of you see a provider say things like We Guarantee results. 100% Panda and Penguin safe. Best SEO service out there. If you want real results look no further and etc.

Now take for instance what if my site was already sitting at #2? Would they still take the job and guarantee results of an increase being the only increase possible would be #1? Now that is not my situation, at least not with Google. On 5 of the keywords I am interested in I am #1 on Bing and Yahoo and #2 on a couple other keywords there but still.

Would they take the job knowing if they didn't get you to #1 they would owe you a refund or would they just come up with an excuse as to way they couldn't take on that task?
90%+ of them would say yes if you are ranked #2 and then you got 4 kind of services :
1: a decent one who actually knows what he is doing and investigates what the difference is between no1 and you and act on that.
2: someone who will just think with a few quality backlinks i will get him there and its easy money ( which can be a good solution but you can do that too yourself too ).
3: someone who got no clue and just backlinks the **** out of your site and hopes for improvement.
4:last but not least, someone just out there to get ur money.
In single word it's impossible to give guarantee for number 1 ranking for Google but it's never impossible to achieved that rank.
Here is the issue with trying to get someone to guarantee you the #1 position.

The assumption is that you want to rank your keyword to #1 because it will be of financial value to you.

1) If a person can guarantee #1 ranking for you, they can guarantee #1 ranking for themselves.
2) You cannot afford to pay someone more money than they would make if they simply rank themselves instead, without losing money in the process.

Its not that skilled SEOs can't rank you #1, that isn't the problem. The problem is you can't afford to pay the people who could rank you #1.

Your only hope is to put your best efforts into doing it yourself, or buying link campaigns from people who aren't going to be happy asking for a guaranteed #1 position which is like slapping them in the face (hey bud, would you give me a $100 bill for this crisp, clean $10 one I have here?) Its just insulting, or it would be to me anyways if I actually sold links, which I don't.
Doesn't google now give the first spot to their own ads?
Meaning unless you're in googles back pocket, the #1 spot will never happen.

Interesting to read what everyone else is saying, though.
Well I've been in seo business for some time and I can tell you no serious seo company would risk its reputation guaranteeing #1 In G especially since 2012. But they can definitely get your site on page 1. And as soon as you reach page 1's a matter of luck and hazard to get #1. And even though with so many updates G release/year you won't stay much on the 1st spot. That person or seo company who will guarantee you #1 is only after your money. And unfortunately they are many because there are a lot of people who don't know a thing about seo. But in your case being here on this forum I am sure you already know the answer of your question.
I can put you on no.1. 25k/per keyword and per url. Give me ma money!
Hi OP,

As several other members have suggested, I would highly distrust of any provider that guarantees #1 position in SERPs for any given keyword because of 3 main reasons:

(1.) Nobody knows exactly all factors involved in ranking algorithms, and exactly the extent to which any one of these factors is important.

(2.) Being #1 not only depends on SEO, but also on quality of content and a number of other things that you cannot always outsource to others.

(3.) If anyone could guarante #1 position, it would probably be more profitable for them to do it themselves.

I would recommend a different approach, which is to create your own strategy and then find providers to guarantee things like unique hand-written 700 page articles, X number of backlings in PR 4-6 sites... In other words, outsource the building blocks but not your entire business.

Finally, you mention in your post:

Only inquiries from reputable BHW members please. If you joined 2 days ago and have 1 post don't bother because you are just wasting your time and mine.

Sometimes, people that joined 2 days ago and have 1 post might actually be better than others with thousands of posts that spend their whole day posting instead of doing : )
That's B.S. if anyone would have that kind of service, it will take a year I guess. LOL

And if it happens that the payment will be made upon reaching that goal, probably the worker will quit immediately.