Can ANYONE Get a 9-5 IM job without Collage ?


Power Member
May 16, 2009
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Jeez I just realized its pretty whiny post and the thoughts are all over the place but its in the lounge and I am sure some of you will be able to relate in one way or another.

Call me crazy but I have tried now for few months to actually get a job in IM with an actual company. It seems like ANY and EVERY IM related job, even fucking $12/h affiliate manage assistant requires a BS degree. WTF?

I had my hay days and lived a good live working for myself. I had weeks where I made upwards to $20K. But things started falling apart in professional and personal life. I got married, got carried away and spread too thin combined with huge legal issues (not IM or drugs related) which eventually led to complete demise, loss of money, business, structure etc.

I am based in San Jose (actually live temp. in Los Gatos), Bay Area. I do not have a collage degree but have a degree of Hard Knuckles. I don't want to sound like a victim but I feel life was really tough and I had to jump many hurdles to come out stronger and wiser every time. Yet it takes a toll.

I have been shot at, stabbed, survived a war, tortured, put into prison, lived with a bipolar person, had jobs, started businesses, got married, got kids, slept in my car, slept in a villa, sponsored orphanage, sponsored children, given money to start businesses, lived on 3 continents, been poor , been rich, been crying in the corner and roaring from top of skyscraper. To so many things I can say "been there - done that."

I have been in IM since 2005 and ran few successful online businesses and have gained great experience in all aspects of SEO, SEM, design, lead generation, performance marketing etc. Problem is I never worked for myself, my 9-5 was in manufacturing, sourcing.

I admit not to have a structure and formal education obtained by a an obsolete curriculum but still I feel that my experience, skills, resilience and desires should account for something. However, I am not landing even a interview for any IM related job, and not having a BS degree is main part.

I am trying to stay on top of things and had taken/take curses in entrepreneurship, business, lean start up, solar, sales and marketing etc but I can't afford to spend 4-6 years in school learning something from 1980ies businesses, than to land a $15/h job and earn $35,000 after another 5 years, given don't have to pay edu loans back.

I know beggars can't be choosers but I would prefer a company with vision, morals, a purpose, service/product aimed to better the world. Preferably in green tech, alternative energy, social & civil or family issues. While many start ups might fall into this category, virtually all end up getting funding from big dick bank dudes. Once that happens, the dicks are on board and company vision out of the window.

So, anyone else struggling? Anyone else trying to navigate the "buyers market" employment situation. How can you circumvent the usual "monster/CL/indeed" route? - Go thru to right persons via LinkedIn, commerce chambers, events etc? Or do you just say fuck all this shit, I'll get my own things up and running again, somehow.

How, if at all, are you coping in this market without a collage degree?
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I'm a young entrepreneur and chose to place college on hold after one year. That was with a lot of prayer of course and I have no regrets as I have obtained a lot of experience in the field and learned an abundance of skills and information - way more than what most on track for a BS have/know. Real experience has a lot of weight... so I think when searching for a job, it's all about how you present yourself and make your pitch!

Best of luck
dude, all you need to do is prove that you know what the hell you're talking about when it comes to IM or whatever your field is. you don't need a degree. prove that you can increase a business' roi, prove that you know how to use adwords, prove that you can build marketing campagins by showing them portfolios and stats.... all they want to know is if you can do the job and do it better than the guy before you. thats it. if it seems like they're gonna just glance over your resume and then throw it away at the end of the interview, then you're not selling yourself well enough. convince the prospective employers that YOU are the ONLY one for the job that you're applying for. Tell them why you are unique, and why you can increase their profits by a certain amount. If you believe in yourself, then they will too. Period. :) screw the resume. the portfolio and the interview are the only thing that matters.
Jeez I just realized its pretty whiny post and the thoughts are all over the place but its in the lounge and I am sure some of you will be able to relate in one way or another.

Call me crazy but I have tried now for few months to actually get a job in IM with an actual company. It seems like ANY and EVERY IM related job, even fucking $12/h affiliate manage assistant requires a BS degree. WTF?

I had my hay days and lived a good live working for myself. I had weeks where I made upwards to $20K. But things started falling apart in professional and personal life. I got married, got carried away and spread too thin combined with huge legal issues (not IM or drugs related) which eventually led to complete demise, loss of money, business, structure etc.

I am based in San Jose (actually live temp. in Los Gatos), Bay Area. I do not have a collage degree but have a degree of Hard Knuckles. I don't want to sound like a victim but I feel life was really tough and I had to jump many hurdles to come out stronger and wiser every time. Yet it takes a toll.

I have been shot at, stabbed, survived a war, tortured, put into prison, lived with a bipolar person, had jobs, started businesses, got married, got kids, slept in my car, slept in a villa, sponsored orphanage, sponsored children, given money to start businesses, lived on 3 continents, been poor , been rich, been crying in the corner and roaring from top of skyscraper. To so many things I can say "been there - done that."

I have been in IM since 2005 and ran few successful online businesses and have gained great experience in all aspects of SEO, SEM, design, lead generation, performance marketing etc. Problem is I never worked for myself, my 9-5 was in manufacturing, sourcing.

I admit not to have a structure and formal education obtained by a an obsolete curriculum but still I feel that my experience, skills, resilience and desires should account for something. However, I am not landing even a interview for any IM related job, and not having a BS degree is main part.

I am trying to stay on top of things and had taken/take curses in entrepreneurship, business, lean start up, solar, sales and marketing etc but I can't afford to spend 4-6 years in school learning something from 1980ies businesses, than to land a $15/h job and earn $35,000 after another 5 years, given don't have to pay edu loans back.

I know beggars can't be choosers but I would prefer a company with vision, morals, a purpose, service/product aimed to better the world. Preferably in green tech, alternative energy, social & civil or family issues. While many start ups might fall into this category, virtually all end up getting funding from big dick bank dudes. Once that happens, the dicks are on board and company vision out of the window.

So, anyone else struggling? Anyone else trying to navigate the "buyers market" employment situation. How can you circumvent the usual "monster/CL/indeed" route? - Go thru to right persons via LinkedIn, commerce chambers, events etc? Or do you just say fuck all this shit, I'll get my own things up and running again, somehow.

How, if at all, are you coping in this market without a collage degree?

get in this forum and read read read and take action, that's all you need trust me.
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I run an internet marketing firm in SoCal and have hired two people with out college degrees (2 out of 18) based on their track records, interviews and past experience on their resumes. Used to live in the Bay too so I'm familiar with the community up there. If you want to get a job in IM *without* a degree you're going to have to pay your dues, do a lot of networking, and demonstrate expertise as often as possible. I'd suggest doing the following
- First off, learn how to spell 'college' correctly ;)
- Go to vistaprint and get some business cards with your cell phone and e-mail address and give your self the title 'internet marketing consultant'
- Head over the and look for meetups in your area that discuss internet marketing. Hit up these meetups and contribute to the conversation. If you're on this forum it's obvious you have internet marketing savvy that's beyond most people that frequent these sort of real life meetings.
- You're bound to run into business owners or other professionals who have pretty basic issues that are easy to advise on offer to have a conversation over lunch with them about it. Do the lunches pro-bono, if there's any work that you can charge for have an hourly rate you'd do the work for in mind. Don't sell your self short, I've paid IMers as much as 175 /hr for specific expertise or knowledge.
- Over time your reputation in the community will grow and people will start to come to you via word of mouth. Soon or later someone will ask you to come on to their team as a full time and even if that doesn't happen you'll have the track record to be able to apply to companies (especially agile smaller ones) in spite of the lack of college degree
Thank You guys for the feedback and I apologize spelling errors.

English is not my first language but 3rd. I speak 5 languages for what its worth.
I'll take up your advise escoentllc.
Try to get back online, if you could made $20k in weeks then you can do it again, and it will be better then 9-5 job
Can Anyone Get a 9-5 Job with COLLEGE?

Without college yes? With out basic grammar? Well that's a different story lol

He have gone throught bigger shits like you so STFU and stop being smartass

instead of being smart maybe do something? I dont think you was living on street or made $20k in weeks, have you?
It's tough to get ANY job these days; not just IM.

I work at a crappy factory, and the temp service we work with has a line out to the street every day with people trying to get in here.... Not literally, but you get the point: there are tons of people who need a job right now, so employers can afford to be very picky.

Most people looking for a job are having trouble right now; not just you. It will probably be better in a few years. Ups and downs are a normal part of any economy.
How, if at all, are you coping in this market without a collage degree?

Without college yes? With out basic grammar? Well that's a different story lol

Thank You guys for the feedback and I apologize spelling errors.

English is not my first language but 3rd. I speak 5 languages for what its worth.
I'll take up your advise escoentllc.

You shouldn't have skipped that grammar class OP.

- First off, learn how to spell 'college' correctly
:poke: <-- (Trying to fingerfuck Suzy)

Huh. Buncha wisenheimers up in here, ayuh. Well, lemme tell you-all misters weisenheimers that you done GOT PLAYED by a goddam jeenius, and still don' knowit.

See, a "collage" is where you take a bunch of superficial images and sort of mash them up together, and then you stand back expectantly and wait for people to bob their heads up & down like it all means something, and has value. (Anyone know where I'm going yet?)

And, (now pay attention heah) a "college" is this place where they mash-up a bunch of superficial images in yer BRAIN, and after 4 years or so everyone steps back and expects people to bob they heads up & down as if they effort was somehow useful and meaningful.

Ever meet a talented artist waste their time making a dumb-ass COLLAGE? HELL no. Collages are for kids too dumb to fingerpaint. Don't you think if that Professor knew jack-shit about Marketing he's be out there making money instead of sticking his fingers into students BRANES 'n makin COLLAGES?

And as for the OP, well hell he's a goddam Einstain, who if you don't know spent the 1st part of his career in a patent office looking at the results of real people's brilliance instead of trying to fingerbang Ms. Suzy Rottencrotch, like what most of you collage students do when you aren't getting a "D" in art. You should thank about dat instead of picking apart the minor trappings of collage fingerfucking while a real-life Eisenstain leads you by his example in life, which is that you get up off your ass, and climb up a skyscraper so someone can stab you, then run downstairs and cry in the street, and then start an Internet Marketing bidness that makes you millions (and happy), instead of trading your whole life for the illusions of superiority and safety, because you really haven't got either.
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Yep I have one man. Only was in the "industry" for 10 months and I got a entry level job at $14 a hour at a firm, then their client offered me a job instead, moved up to $20 a hour. Now while working my $20 a hour job I started my Own SEO firm and hould have (3 currently) 5 clients signed by the end of the year. Keep hustling brother man.
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Why get a 9-5 job when you can make more money and have a more flexible schedule on your own? :)
You can try to get a job not related to IM and then create the department as well. Because a lot of people need it, but don't know about our world.
I don't think a collage or any other type of art would really improve chances of getting a 9-5 IM job.
Its not what you know but what you can prove you know.. Honestly if you have been successful before and know what it takes why are you trying to get a job? I honestly understand if its a stability thing but common man by the sounds of your story it sounds like you can do better then that.

Keep your head up and don't lose faith in yourself.

Some motivation for you... I am a college drop out and do business with many fortune 500 companies. What is funny is they don't care what I know they just want to use the tools I have created they know can solve their problems..

My advice if you really want a job.. Go in telling the company your looking for work from how you can currently help them. Research who their clients are and tell them what you would do differently or what they are missing. Let them know how you would apply yourself if you had the position verse why your qualified for the job. Think about it like your guiding a client based on helping them if they hire you vs why you are qualified for the job..
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