Bot to Perform Repetitive Google Searches Exist?

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Oct 30, 2016
Reaction score
I do reputation management and want to influence Google's autocomplete suggestion feature. I am looking for a bot to automatically perform thousands of daily searches for a keyword and click on a URL I specify. I am told this will influence the suggestion tool so I can remove (if only temporarily) the word scam etc. after someone's name.

Does anyone know of such software or someone who can build it?

I am open to other suggestions as well and am grateful!
Oh yes, autocomplete. In the lastbtqo years ive been playing with both Google's and Bing autosuggest. Bing is a lot more simple to manipulate, ive ran a test a year a go and its still there if you search. Go there and type "payday loans m" youll probably see Payday loans mr tiago. It used to be the first suggestion for payday loans back there.
For Google, I've never managed to do anything for big keywords and got some results from dmall keywords, managed to add my full name to the complete and some other things. And yes, both google and bing complete system have what they call the refresh date, once in a month the suggestions update, unless its a breaking news, for example : When there's a plane crash, its common to see on the suggest within hours the term crash comming right after the airline name as the 1st suggestion. Thats just an example. I can build you a private bot for that and also explain you more. Contat me if interested.
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