Blogger + Adsense idea and question


Registered Member
Sep 28, 2014
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Hello there!
I want to register for AdSense on my eBook sharing blog, but the TOS says that only non-copyright material is allowed, however I see many other sites with sharing copyright cracked software, ebooks, movies and download links with Adsense enabled how do they get around this and get accepted for AdSense?
Is it possible to create a normal blog with no pirated material and then apply for Adsense and once it is accepted you can start uploading copyright stuff too perhaps that what other sites do to get it?
Please advice.
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Create a normal blog and let it get accepted it, but after that, you still risk being banned. Adsense is very strict and don't care to ban.

Thanks for your answer. Could you please tell me what is the most easiest and reliable way to get accepted for AdSense?
I heard people create a YouTube account and then get accepted by AdSense. I didn't tested this type of method.
I heard people create a YouTube account and then get accepted by AdSense. I didn't tested this type of method.

Thanks for your idea. So does that mean once I am accepted into the YouTube Monetization program then I will not have to send the application to get authorized for Adsense on my Blog that is on Blogspot. Correct?
First of all stick to the rules, because in spite of doing different deceptive techniques Google will ultimately catch you so I will advise you to adhere Google Adsense rules and regulations.
I heard people create a YouTube account and then get accepted by AdSense. I didn't tested this type of method.

Ya Boriss is right. YT is easy way get accepted by adsense. Make a YT channel and try it.
Based on what i know, there are no shortcut to getting an adsense approval. The basic idea is; choose a niche you're passionate about, post like 30 quality articles (no copied contents), choose a nice template and make your site easily navigable. After that; you can apply for Google Adsense.
First of all stick to the rules, because in spite of doing different deceptive techniques Google will ultimately catch you so I will advise you to adhere Google Adsense rules and regulations.

So for example, my site is about "sharing" ebooks and it will include copyright contents too which will be against the google TOS but what I am curious about how does other sites with pirated contents remain with Adsense is it possible that the register for new account whenever they get banned?