automatic replies to certain people's tweets ?


Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score
Does anyone know a software that can send automatic replies to certain persons tweets?
Troll accounts on twitter are always the first to reply on a celeb's tweet, and I know they're using some kind of software but no one wants to tell me what.

Sorry my english sucks it's not my first language.

You can get a feed from twitter with keyword filters that is realtime. (search for streaming api)
Beware that this consumes a lot of bandwith if you have popular keywords so run it on a (linux) vps
After that it is just a matter of coding a trigger that takes the tweets OP name and sends a predefined tweet via the regular twitter API.
thanks, but i don't want to auto reply to tweets with specific keywords, i want to auto reply to tweets from people like barackobama (not really tho)
You can do that too..
"Streams of the public data flowing through Twitter. Suitable for following specific users or topics, and data mining."