Are you Vegan?

No. We evolved to eat & digest meat. You can't be healthy and be a vegan. It's one or the other.
If you actually look at the human body , going vegan is not better for your health.

Whilst it is true that plant foods contain most of the nutrients you need, and most of the nutrients you can get from animal produce.

There is a flaw.

Human bodies do not have the same digestive systems as herbavors, and as a results cannot extract all the nutrients from the plant foods, even though they exist in the food.

As a result, a lot of people you find on vegan diets will feel great for a short spell, but in 1 - 2 years, they will have depleted their body of nutrients that they can only ABSORB from animal produce.

So no, veganism is not healthy in the long term, but in the short term it is great to cleanse your body.
If you actually look at the human body , going vegan is not better for your health.

Whilst it is true that plant foods contain most of the nutrients you need, and most of the nutrients you can get from animal produce.

There is a flaw.

Human bodies do not have the same digestive systems as herbavors, and as a results cannot extract all the nutrients from the plant foods, even though they exist in the food.

As a result, a lot of people you find on vegan diets will feel great for a short spell, but in 1 - 2 years, they will have depleted their body of nutrients that they can only ABSORB from animal produce.

So no, veganism is not healthy in the long term, but in the short term it is great to cleanse your body.
This is what i thought, it will be good for a cleanliness, not good for long run.
We are designed to eat meat and in general, you can after just like 2 to 5 years if you fully stop eating all meat form develop medical side effects from it such as I read a few times of Vegan people who stop eating meat for 5 years they go from looking health 20 years old to like 40 year old since there body ages faster over lack of meat.
No. We evolved to eat & digest meat. You can't be healthy and be a vegan. It's one or the other.
so I will die of protein deficiency without meat? How I can be unhealthy if I eat fruits, vegetables , nuts, seeds , legumes , whole grains, plants on daily basis? With this diet plan it's unlikely to have high blood pressure, heart attack, high cholesterol. Come on man..
There is literally vegan super athletes around the planet and I read this comment..
We are designed to eat meat and in general, you can after just like 2 to 5 years if you fully stop eating all meat form develop medical side effects from it such as I read a few times of Vegan people who stop eating meat for 5 years they go from looking health 20 years old to like 40 year old since there body ages faster over lack of meat.
Please stop misinforming people with such bullsh*t. No doctor, scientists, or any gurus ever said we are designed to eat meat. If you research more about the human body and look at the intestines of human beings and meat-eating animal-like tigers, you would have thought twice before misinforming people.
so I will die of protein deficiency without meat? How I can be unhealthy if I eat fruits, vegetables , nuts, seeds , legumes , whole grains, plants on daily basis? With this diet plan it's unlikely to have high blood pressure, heart attack, high cholesterol. Come on man..
There is literally vegan super athletes around the planet and I read this comment..
You can survive on plants, sure, but you're not going to thrive. Where is the omega 3? b12? You're not going to get them from a plant source, you'll have to take a supplement for them whereas, Meat has all the nutrients we need & has no anti-nutrients in it, plants are full of anti-nutrients.
I am not vegan but I am a vegetarian have been for maybe 2 years now and I feel very good for it.

Balance is the key.

The amount of meat we eat in the West is not normal or healthy.

I tell some vegan friends I'm fish-egg-tarian most the year but I do have some BBQ and steak every now and then.

Put it this way : if we had to hunt our food, what would you eat? Probably fishing would be easiest. Problem is we have access to too much food too easily in a supermarket.

When I buy food I think "would I hunt this food". If the answer is yes, then I'll likely buy it.
Balance is the key.

The amount of meat we eat in the West is not normal or healthy.

I tell some vegan friends I'm fish-egg-tarian most the year but I do have some BBQ and steak every now and then.

Put it this way : if we had to hunt our food, what would you eat? Probably fishing would be easiest. Problem is we have access to too much food too easily in a supermarket.

When I buy food I think "would I hunt this food". If the answer is yes, then I'll likely buy it.
Have you seen native Hawaiians hunt cows with spears? If not, check it out.