are Estibot valuations accurate?


Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
i have about 30 dictionary word domains with each having estibot value ranging two fifty dollars to thousand dollars are estibot valuations accurate? Please Help!!
I am looking for advice on weather i should sell them on fippa or similar websites if yes at what price etc. Give your invaluable insights on how are you "so successful" :)
you can sell them on flippa or sedo but I doubt you'd make a lot from it. You'd be lucky if you double your money.
If its a one word domain,you have some hope.But never that odd 250$,imo.
If its a one word domain,you have some hope.But never that odd 250$,imo.

Some of them could be very good for health care niche and even porn and some are brandable. All single dictionary words. 7-12 character length
Build the sites that are showing great domains, don't trust the estibot as they show the value depends upon the traffic and age. If you want to sell a domain, then review it in domain forums to get the value for it.