An idea for making money on YouTube through Snapchat


Apr 13, 2015
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What's up guys.

I thought I would share an idea that I had to make money through monetizing on youtube with celebrity snapchats. For example: Type in "Kim Kardashian Snapchat Videos" in youtube. I did this with a kid who became famous from vine who's popular amongst teenagers and posted a video and it got about 300 views the next day. However, I was working on something else and didn't continue but I can see this making people some money if they keep with it.

Alright so what you do - find someone popular on snapchat and download their videos. Snapchat won't let you download others videos so you have to get an app for it. There are a few for android and I found one for iPhone that works well. But you guys will have to search for this on your own because I can't remember the name for the iPhone one. Anyway,

1. Make a channel for your niche snapchat, be creative, like JustinBieberSnaps (not sure if he has snapchat anymore so I wouldn't do that one ;) ) but you get the point. Search in google celebrity or famous snapchats for ideas.
2. Get a nice banner and name to your channel and get the channel monetized
3. Download a video editing program, I just used iMovie because I have a mac and its free. I'm not sure what windows has but you can probably download one for free. Download the videos from whichever snapchat app you have off of your phone to your computer. (sent them through email or hook it up to your computer)
4. Put the videos in order on the video editor from oldest to newest - if you do monthly, daily or weekly, however.
5. Upload it to your youtube channel with a name like (Justin Bieber Snapchat 10/21/2016) with the ads turned on
6. Repeat

Then just see what works. I would recommend picking people that kids and teenagers would like since they would be more likely to be on youtube looking at celebrity snapchats. Also just doing research to make sure that the one you are doing is unique so you're not copying anyone.
Thank you. It sounds good. I will try it out if I have time...
Thanks for the general idea. Quite creative. Think I'll throw in a few personal twists and see what works.
You found one for iPhone that works well ,but you can't remember the name for the iPhone one looooooool
What about copyright issues ? You put someone's videos on YT and and try to earn money, that's the copyright infringement IMO
You found one for iPhone that works well ,but you can't remember the name for the iPhone one looooooool

Yep, I don't remember it because I deleted it off my phone. Pretty straight forward. Loooooooooooool
What about copyright issues ? You put someone's videos on YT and and try to earn money, that's the copyright infringement IMO

Not really, just be creative with it. I mean if someone else has already posted the videos...say you stole the kim kardashian idea and copied the same snapchat videos onto your channel when the other person already has it on their channel and they are running ads on their video, yeah youtube will notice.

heres an example of what you could do: Search "celebritysnapz" on youtube and you will see someone doing what I am talking about with ads running on their videos.